2017-7-18 VNFRQTS mtg Agenda & Notes
Assemble/Welcome (5 min)
# | Objective | How Achieved | Participant Preparation required | Action items out |
2 | Identify the Gaps in EPICs and User Stories. Participants should be comfortable that the EPICs and User Stories reasonably completely represent the work of the project. (15 min) | review the list of EPICs and user stories in [vnfrqts] Release Planning (and JIRA). Solicit additional EPICs / User Stories and volunteers to document in JIRA | review the JIRA Epics and User Stories prior to the meeting | xxx to create EPIC on yyy aaa to create user story on bbb |
3 | How do we know when we are done for ONAP release A. Participants should be comfortable that the scope of the project for release A meets the needs of Release A feature content from other platform components (10 min) | Walk through the TSC approved use cases for ONAP release A. Identify corresponding VNF use cases to be fleshed out and who will generate them Identify any other scoping constraints in Release A | review TSC Approved Use cases | aaa to create user story on bbb |
4 | Review seed contributions. Participants should understand the general content scope and styles of the seed contributions (15 min) | briefly open each of the 6 seed contributions and check the availability of word/ text format versions, check for any expected updates, etc. | review the seed contributions (& status) prior to the meeting | |
5 | How to merge Management Requirements from Open-O and from ECOMP. Participants should be comfortable with the objectives and general process for merging the documents. (10 min) | Review project scope: "... incorporating and integrating the source material on VNF Guidelines and Requirements from OPEN-O and ECOMP in Release 1" Discuss structure options for merged VNF management requirements | review: project workflow Identify how you would like the merged management requirements to be structured | create the appropriate JIRA tasks |
6. Any other Business? (5 min)
Plan for next week's agenda
does the draft agenda posted make sense?, or should we get into the sprint backlog review first ?