2017-7-11 VNFRQTS mtg Agenda & Notes

2017-7-11 VNFRQTS mtg Agenda & Notes


  1. Assemble/Welcome (5 min) 

  2. Objective: Review participant Onboarding , FOSS Process, ONAP review & commit process and & Release milestones. (15 min) 

    1. Participants should be aware of the onboarding processes for ONAP to obtain the necessary credentials etc. 

    2. Participants should be aware of the FOSS licensing for ONAP projects. 

    3. Participants should be aware of and use the review process for this projects deliverables. 

    4. Participants should be aware of, and use the commit message structure. 

    5. Participants are reminded of the release milestones. - M1 deliverable definition was due 6/29

  3. Objective: Identify the Deliverables: As a result of this meeting participants will be able to identify the deliverables for this Project in ONAP Release A. We will achieve this by walking through the following web pages on the call: 

    1. M1 Release planning (10min)

    2. M1 Checklist (10 min)

          Any incomplete items  will be assigned as action items for completion before the  7/13 TSC mtg.

          Participants are expected to read those web pages in preparation for the meeting and be ready to comment. 

     3.  Objective: Self assignment of resources to deliverables. The project description and repo structure expects different kinds of deliverables from VNF Guidelines to VNF test case descriptions.  Steven Wright  will send a message to the onap-discuss [vnfrqts] list with the deliverable areas and a request for project participants to self identify the areas where they  expect to be working, and the % of their time they expect to spend on each area.  This information is needed so that we can divide and conquer the work, and assure coverage by committers over the different deliverable categories, and create the appropriate sprints to develop our deliverables . Participants should respond to the email thread by 7/14.  The objective of the meeting discussion is to ensure awareness by participants and solicit any issues with the process.  (5 min) 

    4. Objective: Solicit agenda items for future calls. As a result of this discussion meeting participants will understand topics for future calls. We will do this by asking round robin for topics as time is available, or taking to the list if time limited. Participants should be ready with their views on the topics we need to discuss  or issues that need to be resolved to enable progress.Actionable items (backlog) can also be created using the JIRA process. ( 10 min)

     5. Any other Business? (5 min)