05-26-2017 Weekly Meeting

05-26-2017 Weekly Meeting


Danny, Ethan, Claude, Matti, Xinhui, Bin Yang , Bin Hu, Anbing Zhang, Andrew


Added Agenda:

  1. Talk about meeting up on event June 8,9

    Xinhui: TSC meeting raise the agenda for face-to-face review of proposals. Suppose that TSC will give feedback to proposal before next Wednesday
    Danny: Who from tsc will be facing the debate of face to face proposals?
    Xinhui: TSC divide proposals into categories and dispatch members into categories also arch committee was formed and there will be another group of members to debate the proposals

    OPNFV F2F Meeting In Beijing: Team members which will be in Beijing event: Danny Lin, Bin Yang , Xinhui Li, Anbing Zhang, Ethan Lynn will be Beijing
    Andrew, Bin Hu , Matti will not be in beijing, but will contribute and help remotely

  2. OPNFV ONAP mini summit June 12

    Bin Yang had prepared slides and wants to summit them for this summit.
    Neither review process nor criteria is clear yet. 
    There are several 30 minutes sessions there.
    Danny suggest to sign up and reserve a slot.
    Expense on pass to summit is not clear for presenter
    Bin Hu thinks presenter should get free pass once the paper is accepted
    Xinhui's experience on that: 2 types of free pass, first one is to select paper from community and all the presenters get free pass the second one is for sponsors.

  3. VNF-C interface update from Xinhui
    Xinhui gave the update the interaction of ONAP modules with architecture diagram
    suggest put the diagram into context of specific session/use case
    suggest to simplify the diagram by removing the components not related to specific session/use case, and list operations at each step in the call flow.

    Bin Hu shared his perceiption of Multi-cloud and modeling of infrastructure.
    Bin Yang gave the update on list of operation of APP-C carried out over Multi-Cloud.
    Andrew introduced ARM template AND HOT translation, also the trial with ONAP over azure: have ONAP running over azure by translate openECOMP HEAT templates into an ARM Template manually
    Andrew thinks  that the multi-cloud/azure plugin there can login to azure, pull down script and deploy ONAP into azure. With one click, all ONAP will be running on azure.
    Also the ability to deploy the VNFs (in HOT like templates) to azure via ONAP running azure.


  1. Xinhui will send out the criteria to evaluate project proposals

  2. Danny/Xinhui Li will coordinate for Initial committers to get together next week to prepare the presentation deck for that.

  3. Bin Hu will connect with Bilaji Ericsson and Lara LF to clarify on free pass to OPNFV ONAP mini summit, and also to clarify what criteria is and who is reviewing the proposals

  4. Bin Yang will summit session to reserve session slots, send out drafted slides to team, Persons in Beijing are candidates to present the proposal as a group
    Matti: multivim has to register all the regions into to A&AI. That how SO finds out where they are, or even the portal has to decide on pulldown menu of what are the available locations

  5. Xinhui refine architecture diagram, remove unrelated components, list operations at each step
    Danny, Matti discussed the interaction between A&AI and the clouds from the perspective of HA,etc.

  6. Matti will send out a picture describing registration of cloud regions and relationship of components in that context