MoM Jan. 16 2019
Attendees: @Bin Yang @Alex Vul (Deactivated) @Eric Multanen (Deactivated) , Fei Zhang, @libo zhu @Bin Hu @Former user (Deleted) @Gueyoung Jung @Kiran (Deactivated) @maopeng zhang @Shankaranarayanan Puzhavakath Narayanan
Eric talked about the plans on SO/MC integration.
AR: Eric initiate the offline discussion with email to drive the discussion in detail
Libo presented his first draft of designing SDC client
AR: Libo update the draft with sequence diagram to elaborate the interaction between SDC,SDC client, MC plugins
AR: Bin Yang will reach out to Libo for further discussion, figure out the overall interaction diagram between SO/MC/SDC client, in order to figure out the unclear design points
Bin Yang updated the team with the S3P requirements
Alex presented the CDI which meant to be put under MC project