MOM Nov. 14th 2018
Attendees: @Bin Yang @Eric Multanen (Deactivated) @ethanlynnl @Bin Hu @Matti Hiltunen Gueyoung Jung , @Eric Debeau @Lei Wang @Rebecca Lantz
@Bin Yang updated project status: Releasing docker image v1.2.1, bumping version to 1.2.2, new branch for casablanca. Patches can still be submit to fix bugs and will be released as part of Casablanca Maintenance Release.
@Eric Multanen (Deactivated) updated the progress/plan of OOF/SO/MC integration
@Matti Hiltunen and Gueyoung Jung from ATT presented the proposal of VM placement/capacity checking.
AR: @Matti Hiltunen will upload the slides to wiki and share the link with the team.
Update: Link for valet elaboration: