Paris Documentation

Paris Documentation


**** Work in Progress for Paris ****

Short Explanation

Table: Maintained Repositories

  • Containing documentation repositories for the upcoming release
  • Table handled commonly by the ONAP projects and the Documentation team.
  • In the column header you find the responsibility for this column (DOC|PROJECT).

Table: Non-Relevant Repositories

  • Containing documentation repositories no longer relevant for the upcoming release

Maintained Repositories Table


Project Name

(common abbreviation of the project or subcommittee)

Prefill: DOC


Repository Name

(contains documentation to be published with the upcoming release)

Prefill: DOC


ReadTheDocs Link

(link pointing to RTD 'latest' main index.rst; main title used in index.rst)

Prefill: DOC


Core Project

(is the project a core component of ONAP?)

Repository Status

(new | changed | remove ; status of documentation; needed to e.g. identify changes in the intersphinx linking)


Documentation Owner(s)

(responsible for documentation in this repo; please use @ notation for the name)

( see also History of PTL )


Documentation available:
RTD 'latest'

(relevant for new repos which are participating the first time)

(question)(error)(tick) docs config up-to-date
(question)(error)(tick) repo 'master' exists
(question)(error)(tick) 'latest' available in RTD

DOC (Checkpoint)

Documentation available:
RTD 'branch'

(question)(error)(tick) release branch exists
(question)(error)(tick) release branch available in RTD
(question)(error)(tick) release notes available and updated

DOC (Checkpoint)

aai/aai-commonAAI Documentation Repositoryyes

no PTL since 2022-12-02

(tick) docs config up-to-date

(tick) repo 'master' exists

(tick) 'latest' available in RTD

(error) release branch exists

(error) release branch available in RTD

(error) release notes available in RTD and updated

aai/sparky-beSparky - Inventory UI Serviceyes

no PTL since 2022-12-02

(tick) docs config up-to-date

(tick) repo 'master' exists

(tick) 'latest' available in RTD

(error) release branch exists

(error) release branch available in RTD

(error) release notes available in RTD and updated (aai/aai-common)


yes as an ONAP common shared utility

  • SDNC uses it

(tick) docs config up-to-date

(tick) repo 'master' exists

(tick) 'latest' available in RTD

(error) release branch exists

(error) release branch available in RTD

(error) release notes available in RTD and updated (ccsdk/distribution)


yes as an ONAP common shared utility for:

  • SDNC
  • CDS

(tick) docs config up-to-date

(tick) repo 'master' exists

(tick) 'latest' available in RTD

(error) release branch exists

(error) release branch available in RTD

(error) release notes available in RTD and updated (ccsdk/distribution) 

05CCSDKccsdk/distributionCommon Controller Software Development Kit

yes as an ONAP common shared utility for:

  • SDNC

(tick) docs config up-to-date

(tick) repo 'master' exists

(tick) 'latest' available in RTD

(error) release branch exists

(error) release branch available in RTD

(error) release notes available in RTD and updated

06CCSDKccsdk/featuresSDN-R Online help

yes as an ONAP common shared utility for: 

  • SDNC

(tick) docs config up-to-date

(tick) repo 'master' exists

(tick) 'latest' available in RTD

(error) release branch exists

(error) release branch available in RTD

(error) release notes available in RTD and updated (ccsdk/distribution)


yes as an ONAP common shared utility for:

  • SDNC
  • A1 controller

(tick) docs config up-to-date

(tick) repo 'master' exists

(tick) 'latest' available in RTD

(error) release branch exists

(error) release branch available in RTD

(error) release notes available in RTD and updated

08CPScpsCPS Documentationyes

(tick) docs config up-to-date

(tick) repo 'master' exists

(tick) 'latest' available in RTD

(error) release branch exists

(error) release branch available in RTD

(error) release notes available in RTD and updated

09CPScps/ncmp-dmi-pluginDMI-Plugin Documentationyes

(tick) docs config up-to-date

(tick) repo 'master' exists

(tick) 'latest' available in RTD

(error) release branch exists

(error) release branch available in RTD

(error) release notes available in RTD and updated

dcaegen2Data Collection Analytics and Events (DCAE)yes

no PTL since 2022-12-01

(tick) docs config up-to-date

(tick) repo 'master' exists

(tick) 'latest' available in RTD

(error) release branch exists

(error) release branch available in RTD

(error)  release notes available in RTD and updated




Open Network Automation Platform

to be defined

(tick) docs config up-to-date

(tick) repo 'master' exists

(tick) 'latest' available in RTD

(error) release branch exists

(error) release branch available in RTD

(error) release notes (doc) available in RTD and updated

(error) release notes (composite) available in RTD and updated

12ARCCOMdocONAP Architecture

Yes; it is a committee and defining over ONAP architecture

(tick) Architecture updated

(error) Architecture updated

13INTEGRATIONintegrationINTEGRATIONto be defined
Marek Szwałkiewicz 

(tick) docs config up-to-date

(tick) repo 'master' exists

(tick) 'latest' available in RTD

(error) release branch exists

(error) release branch available in RTD

(error) release notes available in RTD and updated

14MULTICLOUDmulticloud/frameworkMultiCloud Architectureto be defined

no PTL since 2023-04-24

(tick) docs config up-to-date

(tick) repo 'master' exists

(tick) 'latest' available in RTD

(error) release branch exists

(error) release branch available in RTD

(error) release notes available in RTD and updated

15MULTICLOUDmulticloud/k8sMultiCloud Kubernetes Pluginto be defined

no PTL since 2023-04-24

(tick) docs config up-to-date

(tick) repo 'master' exists

(tick) 'latest' available in RTD

(error) release branch exists

(error) release branch available in RTD

(error) release notes available in RTD and updated (multicloud/framework)

16OOMoomOOM Documentation Repository

yes for:

  • build and deployment
  • security

(tick) docs config up-to-date

(tick) repo 'master' exists

(tick) 'latest' available in RTD

(error) release branch exists

(error) release branch available in RTD

(error) release notes available in RTD and updated

17POLICYpolicy/parentPolicy Framework Architectureyes

(tick) docs config up-to-date

(tick) repo 'master' exists

(tick) 'latest' available in RTD

(error) release branch exists

(error) release branch available in RTD

(error) release notes available in RTD and updated


(tick) docs config up-to-date

(tick) repo 'master' exists

(tick) 'latest' available in RTD

(error) release branch exists

(error) release branch available in RTD

(error) release notes available in RTD and updated

19SECComosaONAP Securityyes; note: it is a committee and the security functions are implemented as part of OOM)

(tick) docs config up-to-date

(tick) repo 'master' exists

(tick)'latest' available in RTD

(error) release branch exists

(error) release branch available in RTD

(error) release notes available in RTD and updated

20SDCsdcSDC Documentationto be defined
no PTL since 2024-01-16

(tick) docs config up-to-date

(tick) repo 'master' exists

(tick) 'latest' available in RTD

(error) release branch exists

(error) release branch available in RTD

(error) release notes available in RTD and updated

21SDNCsdnc/oamNetwork Controller (SDNC)yes

(tick) docs config up-to-date

(tick) repo 'master' exists

(tick) 'latest' available in RTD

(error) release branch exists

(error) release branch available in RTD

(error) release notes available in RTD and updated

22SOsoONAP SOyes

(tick) docs config up-to-date

(tick) repo 'master' exists

(tick) 'latest' available in RTD

(error) release branch exists

(error) release branch available in RTD

(error) release notes available in RTD and update

23UUIusecase-uiUsecase-UI(Use Case User Interface)yes

(tick) docs config up-to-date

(tick) repo 'master' exists

(tick) 'latest' available in RTD

(error) release branch exists

(error) release branch available in RTD

(error) release notes available in RTD and updated

Non-Relevant Repositories Table


Project Name

(common abbreviation of the project or subcommittee)

Prefill: DOC


Repository Name

(contains documentation to be published with the upcoming release)

Prefill: DOC


ReadTheDocs Link

(link pointing to RTD 'latest' main index.rst; main title used in index.rst)

Prefill: DOC


Core Project

(is the project a core component of ONAP?)

Repository Status

(new | changed | remove ; status of documentation; needed to e.g. identify changes in the intersphinx linking)


Documentation Owner(s)

(responsible for documentation in this repo; please use @ notation for the name)


Documentation available:
RTD 'latest'

(relevant for new repos which are participating the first time)

(question)(error)(tick) repo 'master' exists
(question)(error)(tick) 'latest' available in RTD

DOC (Checkpoint)

Documentation available:
RTD 'branch'

(question)(error)(tick) release branch exists
(question)(error)(tick) release branch available in RTD
(question)(error)(tick) release notes available and updated

DOC (Checkpoint)


VFCvfc/nfvo/lcmVF-C(Virtual Function Controller)

no PTL since 22-12-05


(tick) docs config up-to-date

(tick) repo 'master' exists

(tick) 'latest' available in RTD

(error) release branch exists

(error) release branch available in RTD

(error) release notes available in RTD and updated

VNFSDKvnfsdk/modelVNFSDK Documentation

Dan Xu


(tick) docs config up-to-date

(tick) repo 'master' exists

(tick) 'latest' available in RTD

(error) release branch exists

(error) release branch available in RTD

(error) release notes available in RTD and updated

OOF [CORE PROJECT]optf/hasOptimization Framework: Homing and Allocation

no PTL since 2022-10-07


(tick) docs config up-to-date

(tick) repo 'master' exists

(tick) 'latest' available in RTD

(error) release branch exists

(error) release branch available in RTD

(error) release notes available in RTD and updated

OOF [CORE PROJECT]optf/osdfOptimization Framework: Optimization Service Design Framework (OSDF)

no PTL since 2022-10-07

(tick) docs config up-to-date

(tick) repo 'master' exists

(tick) 'latest' available in RTD

(error) release branch exists

(error) release branch available in RTD

(error) release notes available in RTD and updated

MODELINGmodeling/etsicatalogEtsicatalog Project
to be moved under SO?

Hui Deng 


(tick) docs config up-to-date

(tick) repo 'master' exists

(tick) 'latest' available in RTD

(error) release branch exists

(error) release branch available in RTD

(error) release notes available in RTD and updated

MODELINGmodeling/modelspecModel Specifications

Hui Deng 


(tick) docs config up-to-date

(tick) repo 'master' exists

(tick)'latest' available in RTD

(error) release branch exists

(error) release branch available in RTD

(error) release notes available in RTD and updated

HOLMESholmes/engine-managementHolmesto be defined

(tick) docs config up-to-date

(tick) repo 'master' exists

(tick) 'latest' available in RTD

(error) release branch exists

(error) release branch available in RTD

(error) release notes available in RTD and updated (holmes/rule-management)


Guangrong Fu


(tick) docs config up-to-date

(tick) repo 'master' exists

(tick) 'latest' available in RTD

(error) release branch exists

(error) release branch available in RTD

(error) release notes available in RTD and updated


Fiachra Corcoran

no PTL since 2024-01-xx ???


(tick) docs config up-to-date

(tick) repo 'master' exists

(tick) 'latest' available in RTD

(error) release branch exists

(error) release branch available in RTD

(error)  release notes available in RTD and updated

DMAAPdmaap/datarouterDMaaP Data Router

Fiachra Corcoran

no PTL since 2024-01-xx ???


(tick) docs config up-to-date

(tick) repo 'master' exists

(tick) 'latest' available in RTD

(error) release branch exists

(error) release branch available in RTD

(error)  release notes available in RTD and updated

DMAAPdmaap/messagerouter/messageservicedmaap/message router(MR)

Fiachra Corcoran

no PTL since 2024-01-xx ???


(tick) docs config up-to-date

(tick) repo 'master' exists

(tick) 'latest' available in RTD

(error) release branch exists

(error) release branch available in RTD

(error)  release notes available in RTD and updated



(tick) docs config up-to-date

(tick) repo 'master' exists

(tick) 'latest' available in RTD

(error) release branch exists

(error) release branch available in RTD

(error) release notes available in RTD and updated

Notes for "Maintained Repositories" 

In the table "Maintained Repositories" please check/update:

Project Name: Use the common abbreviation of the project or subcommittee.

Repository Name: Containing documentation to be published with the release (one per line)

ReadTheDocs Link: Link pointing to RTD 'latest' main index.rst. Main title used in index.rst.

Repository Status: Please note if the repository is new, has changed or must be removed. For new documents, at a minimum create a placeholder document (e.g., document with the correct file name and a title, or an outline), and commit to the repo. This is important for the doc team to check whether i.e. the linking works or not.

Documentation Owner(s): Please name responsible persons for documentation in this repo. Please use @ notation (e.g. David McBride for the name)

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