ONAP R4 Resource IM Call 2019-1-28
General Information:
Date and Time: 2019, Jan 28, 10pm~11pm Beijing Time, 9am~10am US Eastern
Meeting Room: https://zoom.us/j/645982535
Agenda review
PNFD review
New requirement for the VNFD
R4 High Level Requirements
Papyrus issue: resource domain
PNFD review:
a comment from Kevin has been received on the wiki about whether the geographicLocationInfo should be put in the PNFD or not
the suggestion is to remove that attribute from the PNFD model and put into the PNF instance model
Thinh explained that in some cases, vendor may want to use PNFD to describe certain PNF instances and decide to provide geographic info in the PNFD
Ben said he and several other people discussed in SDC call about this issue, and the conclusion is this information could not be utilised in design time, and is redundant with the "complex" concept already defined in ONAP
Conclusion: the majority prefer to remove the attribute from the PNFD
AP: Jacqueline would provide a slide about the discussion in SDC to help explain
Note: swVersionList is used in some use cases, not put into R4 model may affect those use case
New requirement for the VNFD:
Need to move the proposal into discussion
L2ProtocolData belongs to common domain, should be a proposal under common workspace (the comparison with IFA011 v2.5.1 wiki page needs to be updated to include L2ProtocolData and several other data types)
"qos_specs" shoudl be "qosSpecs"
suggest to describe the meaning of the colors, use cases and how these attributes could be used; suggest to highlight attributes which are aligned with IFA spec
openstack specific attributes suggest to be "optional"?
Chuyi would update the wiki page
R4 High Level Requirements:
no time for discussion
encourage people to edit the page - ONAP R4 Modeling High Level Requirements
Papyrus issue: resource domain:
PNF and NSD has been moved out of the resource domain, a question is raised whether to keep the resource domain as it's almost empty now
no time for discussion
Next call:
it's Spring Festival in China, people from China would not join
Kevin would host the call for people to review the current proposals