ONAP R4 Resource IM Call 2019-3-4
General Information:
Date and Time: 2019, March 4, 10pm~11pm Beijing Time, 9am~10am US Eastern
Meeting Room: https://zoom.us/j/645982535
Agenda review
ONAP feedback to ETSI
Allotted Resource / Network Slicing
VNFD new requirements
Meeting time change due to DST
Network Slice model (https://wiki.onap.org/download/attachments/58230237/ONAP%20network%20slice%20modeling%20-%20for%20modeling%20subcommittee%20v3.3.pptx?version=3&modificationDate=1551338673000&api=v2)
ONAP feedback to ETSI
Which version of IFA015 is used when doing the analysis?
it's v2.5.1, confirmed by Jessie
Allotted Resource / Network Slicing
Background: service IM call has a discussion on network slicing model, a question is raised on how to model the sharing of a RAN (or other) NSS, allotted resource vs filter based design
Is the model targeting sharing the DU, firewall, or a slice?
(need create operation/workflow to) reconfigure the DU, and share the slice
the operation is for service level
How is the onboarding process like?
it's preferred that vendor provides the workflow
the proposal from Amdocs is to utilise the nested NS/service concept to model the slice sharing
Borislov: don't think allotted resource is overlapping with the current proposal
the intent is not to use allotted resource, but could be combined
Gil agrees that nesting is not overlapped with allotted resource, but it's not sufficient, need to describe the sharing of VNFs
Borislov: do not think it's necessary to go into the resources, the services could be shared with service level operation (not go into the service)
How to model the shared service?
Example: how to model the shared DU (DUaaS in the slides)?
The main question seems to be: whether need to model the resource level for the slice sharing use case, or how to model the shared service (in detail)
It's suggested to give clearer/detailed model for a 5G slice and how to use allotted resource
suggest interested people: Borislov, Andrei, Gil, Ben, Thinh and others to have further offline discussions
VNFD new requirements
agreed proposals:
affinity/anti-affinity rule for the VduCpd
suggest to move the run time VNF instance model out of this page and could modify the class name to VnfInstance; and to clarify which ONAP component would update the attributes
Chuyi would mark the proposals that are mature enough for asking for approval (a new page is created: Requirements for VNFD - To be approved)
people who are interested please help further review the proposal
move the instance model to a seperated page for further discussion
Meeting time change
According to groups.io calendar (https://lists.onap.org/g/onap-modelingsub/calendar), following meetings starting from next time will be 1 hour earlier for countries don't use DST yet