ONAP R3 Resource IM Call 2018-7-25
General Information:
Date and Time: 2018, July 25, 9pm~10pm Beijing Time, 9am~10am US Eastern
Meeting Room: https://zoom.us/j/2167367338
Status overview - Plan for model freeze
Run time model discussion
Lifecycle of the model - rule for changing the state
PNF model
status overview
run time model (VNF instance & VNFC instance)
no update
Next step: plan to ask for agreement
may need to capture the current AAI implementation into the IM and have the current proposal as the target (a solution is needed to mark "target" as part of the model lifecycle, perhaps a new state)
lifecycle of the model
no discussion due to time limit
just for information: based on offline feedback from Jessie, she is suggesting the following approach: use "experimental" as the starting state, move to "preliminary" if no changes are made after 1 release (move back to "experimental" if there are), and move to "mature" if no changes are made after another release
PNF model
introduce the PNF resource IM proposal (please see the material session for the slides)
propose to use ETSI PNFD model as the basis
option 1: propose to add "softwareVersionList" attribute to describe the software the PNF supported, SDC has agreed to implement this attribute
option 2: propose to add "pnfId", "nfController" and "softwareVersionList" attributes
suggest to describe the "pnfId" using an relationship, a PNFD could be matching multiple PNF instances
nfController: cardinality is 0..1, this attribute is used by SO to select the right controller
Chesla suggest to abstract VNF and PNF together as NF (i.e., create a super class for NF)
Next step: put the table into discussion page and ask for further review