ONAP R3 Resource IM Call 2018-11-05
General Information:
Date and Time: 2018, Nov 5, 10pm~11pm Beijing Time, 9am~10am US Eastern
Meeting Room: https://zoom.us/j/645982535
Allotted resource
VNF instance (Not Discussed)
R4 Work
5G Service Modeling (descriptor and instance), and use of existing model definitions
Other Activities Presently Being Developed (Not Discussed)
Network Function & Vnf / Pnf
VES (Contributed, but still evolving)
TunnelXConn ANF of the vCPE Residential Use Case.pdf
Allotted resource
Need for an example
use this for the basics (@Gil Bullard will explore putting together some material, see the above Material section)
start from the bottom up, including
what does the descriptor look like
onboarding descriptor (vendor),
what the service provider then does with that descriptor,
tie to class model to prove the model.
5G example including network slicing - use this as a later second example?
State must be captured (lifecycle management of descriptor, instance, ....). A&AI currently tracks state.
For allotted resource information model acceptance, the following should be done
complete vCPE use case analysis
socialize and get support from relevant component PTLs
R4 Requirements - see WIKI Page
IFA 29 (or maybe 27?) and containers - maybe someone can present who is involved
Deprecate the HPA attributes (@Alex Vul (Deactivated) will pursue)
Everyone encouraged to add to brainstorm requirements
5G Service Modeling (Slides can be found at https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/Modeling+sub-committee+Contributions)
Ben shared several slides, with interactive discussion
Been to post slides, but a few slides share follow.