08-08-2018 Portal Platform Weekly Meeting
Code Coverage needs to be maintained at 50%
SDK repo - Naveen is working on new SDK code coverage changes. New SDK commits made - Please add more reviewers - "Amrita Kundu" <amrkundu@in.ibm.com> and Mani are working part time on the code coverage
Prasad/Swapnali - not active on the code commits.
Please use Epic - PORTAL-268 - for code coverage - PORTAL-273; for sonar issues - PORTAL-247; (focused on Portal repo).
Design for Angular update
Source code to be committed for Angular upgrade in a separate folder under SDK (waiting on fixing the build process which is taking long)
fonts and icons abstraction so that they can be switched with a flag configuration - Saravanan (decided to achieve this configuration during the build rather than at runtime).
Lorraine to run grep scan for ecomp keyword - done - Review with Sunder/Manoop - will send them result in email - forward scan email to Hima and Lorraine
Look for the vm host names in the files - to clean up - Lorraine already made commit for this changes - Hima can help if requires java file changes.
ECOMP to ONAP word changes in license text - done in Code Cloud - waiting to move to Gerrit - 08/01
Need to review the MUSIC related classes to cleanup the ECOMP keywords - Hima looking into it.
Moving the current CSIT tests to test-suites repo - may need to create a new JIRA item to track - Sireesh/Ritesh - https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/browse/PORTAL-343
submit the changes into test-suites and add reviewers - @Brian Freeman and @Gary Wu - ETA 08/13
Sireesh/Ritesh to plan the test cases for the new features planned to Casablanca - Portal R3 Casablanca Functional Test Cases
Regarding reporting feature - there is meeting scheduled for Friday.
Regarding language feature - following up with @Tao Shen.
Sireesh/Saravanan to followup with Sitharam for resources on AAF - CADI risk in Portal - Looking for response from Sitharam.
Logging standards analysis done by Lorraine - link to the expected changes for logging - ONAP Application Logging Specification v1.2 (Casablanca)
Micheal O Brien reviewing the logging changes that can be done in portal/sdk - followup - PORTAL-170: Logging ImprovementClosed
Review the current MDCs in the "EPEELFLoggerAdvice.java" class and others that might have.
Release Discussion Items:
Internationalization language support plan for Casablanca - PORTAL-267 - (Tao Shen shentao@chinamobile.com)
Tao is updating the API definition at appropriate documentation in wiki and rst files.
Choose language/internal components
In discussion by larger community (Use Case UI Team), expecting implementation details (Leimeng to followup)
Leimeng has sent email to Tao Shen shentao@chinamobile.com on this topic and is waitng for his return email
CSIT test for new Casablanca features - Sunder to schedule a session to go over the new features.
Convert ECOMP selenium tests into CSIT ONAP Robot Framework tests - Sunder/Sireesh - Sunder to provide the ECOMP test scripts to Sireesh.
Enable JavaScript Unit tests. (How will this impact the angular upgrade? Will these unit tests work as is even after upgrade?).
Code Coverage needs to be maintained at 50% on both portal and portal/sdk repos without JS coverage.
Reporting feature enhancement in portal/sdk - https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/browse/OOM-1143 - Sundar R
Defect fixes (Hima looking into items)
Casablanca Release (Nov 2018)
M1 Release Planning Jun 28, 2018
M1 Release Planning Checklist Jun 28, 2018
M2 Functionality Freeze Jul 26, 2018
M3 API/Data Model Freeze Aug 23, 2018
M4 Code Freeze Sep 20, 2018
RC0 Checklist Oct 11, 2018
RC1 Checklist Oct 25, 2018
RC2 Checklist Nov 8, 2018
Release Delivery Nov 15, 2018