10-24-2018 Portal Platform Weekly Meeting
10-24-2018 Portal Platform Weekly Meeting
- PORTAL-429 Failed to access Policy GUI from Portal (POLICY-1210)
- need to confirm the reason, could be the OnBoarding script / URL update
- George & Michael from Policy team confirmed it's the URL issue, port number issue
- same reason as PORTAL-457
- OOM images are not getting automatically updated? we need to open a defect - Manoop action item (done):
https://jira.onap.org/browse/OOM-1483 high defect
- Their docker image is used to run the OnBoarding sql file - who updates it
- are they done for Casablanca?
- it is done manually now
- in Dublin, we can use the OOM update script, put the OnBoarding script in OOM and remove it from the deliveries folder, change the script to update rather than insert
- for Casablanca : take update statements and put in OOM update script
- JIRA ticket OOM- this is to remove the manual aspect - ticket by Michael; we can add to this ticket to tell them about the docker image issue
- this docker image has our Mariadb in it; in our PORTAL folder in OOM
- Our OOM script was pushed 8 days ago, we made changes 4 days ago, needs to be pushed again OR we can just add update statements in /oom/kubernetes/portal/charts/portal-mariadb/resources/config/mariadb/oom_updates.sql
- PORTAL-434 needs update encrypted password in the same script
- PORTAL-457 some of the tables are not getting updated - fn_role;
- OOM script needs our latest OnBoarding script, they are taking the wrong version
- temp fix update the Beijing release script that OOM is using - Manoop and Sunder, Sireesh will test
- Policy meeting later today
- Defects at pairwise testing - https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DW/Portal+Pair+Wise+Testing+for+Casanblanca+Release .
- PORTAL-434 Failed to retrieve AAIUI role/user via Portal Arul. SUBMITTED State
- PORTAL-435 Portal URL port number change due to OOM deployment DELIVERED State
- PORTAL-436 change port from 8989 to 30215 for OOM deploymen tCLOSED State
- PORTAL-429 Failed to access Policy GUI from Porta/ - CLOSED; POLICY-1210 in DELIVERED STATEl
- MSB-293 MSB closed; Lorraine checked with Leimeng and it is an External URL LInk Application that opens in a new browser not a Portal tab.
- Farhan will update the Risk wiki page, email Steve that's it is updated
- Robot scripts will be updated in Dublin and a med JIRA ticket for the time out issue
- Master branch is now Dublin: work on Low JIRA defect tickest ie PORTAL-253 for Dublin
Last Week:
- We can use 15mins for general updates
- from Arundathi on Jackson libs. -
- security issue: analysis; replacing Jackson lib with gson package, music uses Jackson
com.orbitz.consul:consul-client:jar (is being used in Portal)
uses Jackson - Sunder says contact Shireesha Kota;
- how to tell gson does not have security issues before all the work is done; check nexus server
- gson is currently being used in Portal, check nexus report, if no issues, use it - action item for Manoop or Sunder
- Newer version of Jackson still has some security issues
- do it in phases starting in Dublin
- make user story - Lorraine
- open defect for music - Lorraine
- security issue: analysis; replacing Jackson lib with gson package, music uses Jackson
- from Saravanan on Angular 5 documentation.
- Remaining time should be used to list actions items to close the open defects at pairwise testing - https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DW/Portal+Pair+Wise+Testing+for+Casanblanca+Release .
- PORTAL-434 Failed to retrieve AAIUI role/user via Portal Arul. Fix : Change password in deployment script Apllication on Boarding OOM script - action item - Sunder gave Lorraine new password for A&AI
- PORTAL-435 Portal URL port number change due to OOM deployment Fix: Sunder will recommit code
- PORTAL-436 change port from 8989 to 30215 for OOM deployment Fix: Sunder will recommit code
- PORTAL-429 Failed to access Policy GUI from Portal - Fix: Sunder will recommit code
- VID-324 VID GUI does not come up at Portal's first attempt to bring up VID GUI - double click it comes up - might be redirect URL temp fix
- MSB-293 MSB fixed it; we are retesting
Sireesh C. Lorraine W.,Arundathi, Sunder T., Manoop , Exhilarasi, Leimeng, Farhan
Release Discussion Items:
- Internationalization language support plan for Casablanca - PORTAL-267 - (Tao Shen shentao@chinamobile.com) - pending
- Tao is updating the API definition at appropriate documentation in wiki and rst files. - pending
- Choose language/internal components - pending for GUI design
In discussion by larger community (Use Case UI Team), expecting implementation details (Leimeng to followup)Leimeng has sent email to Tao Shen shentao@chinamobile.com on this topic and is waitng for his return email- Tao sent email about lack of resource and will postpone the implementation after M4 due day
- Testing
- CSIT test for new Casablanca features - Sunder to schedule a session to go over the new features.
- Convert ECOMP selenium tests into CSIT ONAP Robot Framework tests - Sunder/Sireesh - Sunder to provide the ECOMP test scripts to Sireesh.
- Enable JavaScript Unit tests. (How will this impact the angular upgrade? Will these unit tests work as is even after upgrade?).
- Code Coverage needs to be maintained at 50% on both portal and portal/sdk repos without JS coverage.
- Reporting feature enhancement in portal/sdk - - PORTAL-312Reporting feature enhancement in portal/sdk OPEN - Sundar R
- Highest and High Defects:
Key Summary T Created Updated Due Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution PORTAL-386 failed to create user with special char in login_id field Sep 04, 2018 Sep 18, 2018 Kishore Reddy Gujja Leimeng Shi DELIVERED Unresolved
Casablanca Release (Nov 2018)
- M1 Release Planning
- M1 Release Planning Checklist
- M2 Functionality Freeze
- M3 API/Data Model Freeze
- M4 Code Freeze
- RC0 Checklist
- RC1 Checklist
- RC2 Checklist
- Release Delivery
, multiple selections available,