Modeling 2021-12-07

Modeling 2021-12-07

Meeting time: 13:00 UTC 

Zoom Meeting Link:  https://zoom.us/j/137904496?pwd=SnpUUzNjWmp2Q0czdW1xeTVJMGVPQT09  International numbers available: https://zoom.us/zoomconference?m=mi-ad1sMLWlXByAKLio5vDnd9JYqUR_a

Dec 7, 2021

Dec 7, 2021

Duration 60 minutes

Beginning August 17, the ONAP Modeling Subcommittee is moving to a biweekly meeting schedule.


Agenda Item

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Notes / Links


Agenda Item

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Notes / Links




ONAPMODEL-3: General issues of Modeling subcommitteeOpen

@Hui Deng

@Andy Mayer

1) Email Polls: 2021 Modeling Subcommittee Decisions


2)  Modeling current activity status.

Provide the dash board of current status and how to involve:

See: Modeling Current Activity Status

Please keep updated

Please capture modeling requirements for R9 here: ONAP R9 Modeling High Level Requirements

Proposed Istanbul Release Schedule: Release Planning: Istanbul

Action item: create R10 high level requirements, call for input from next meeting.

In JIRA, ONAPMODEL is the "project" we are using to capture Modeling Subcommittee release requirements.

3) Opening nomination of co-chairs

call for candicates: https://lists.onap.org/g/onap-modelingsub/message/879

There were 2 nominations for co-chairs position in the list by the end of deadline



Need to proceed with TSC as next step

Consensus : We have only 2 candidates for 2 positions, we recommend that voting procedure is not need, we will proceed to TSC for approval, (wait until Andy return, proceed this together)

4) Other

Feedback from  2021 Accomplishments at Nov 18 TSC meeting

draft slides:

Explore the possibility of jumping from 2020-06 into Eclipse Release 2020-12 for future

5) DDF in Jan. 2022 


DDF Session Proposal Link: https://wiki.lfnetworking.org/display/LN/2022-01-DD+-+ONAP%3A+Joint+SDO+Modeling+Workshop

Topics due Dec 3rd 

Proposed title: Joint SDO modeling workshop (1 hour)

Proposed Agenda:

1) Container model (40 min)

1.1 Orange's plan

1.2 ETSI progress (including ASD)

1.3 O-RAN

1.4 CNCF (Cluster API)?

2) topology model (20 min)

2.1 O-RAN

2.2 MEF 

1 5

ONAPMODEL-1: Resource IM of Modeling SubcommitteeOpen


ONAPMODEL-2: Service IM of Modeling SubcommitteeOpen

@Xu Yang


ONAP R10 Resource IM Call 2021-11-29


Zoom Chat Log