Modeling 2021-03-23

Modeling 2021-03-23

Meeting time: 14:00 UTC (Will shift on MAR 28th)

Zoom Meeting Link:  https://zoom.us/j/137904496?pwd=SnpUUzNjWmp2Q0czdW1xeTVJMGVPQT09  International numbers available: https://zoom.us/zoomconference?m=mi-ad1sMLWlXByAKLio5vDnd9JYqUR_a

Mar 23, 2021

Modeling Subcommittee Recordings

Mar 23, 2021

Modeling Subcommittee Recordings

Duration 60 minutes


Agenda Item

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Notes / Links


Agenda Item

Requested by

Notes / Links




ONAPMODEL-3: General issues of Modeling subcommitteeOpen

@Hui Deng

@Andy Mayer

1) Email Polls: 2021 Modeling Subcommittee Decisions


ONAP Information Model - Clean and approved models across ONAP releases

New 2021 Decision Page.

2)  Modeling current activity status.

Provide the dash board of current status and how to involve:

See: Modeling Current Activity Status

Please keep updated

Please capture modeling requirements for R9 here: ONAP R9 Modeling High Level Requirements

In JIRA, ONAPMODEL is the "project" we are using to capture Modeling Subcommittee release requirements.

3) 2021 February LFN Developer & Testing Forum

recall and next

Action item 2: Invite Krzysztof Opasiak for the training again after holiday. == > Andy will confirm in 2 weeks (30 MAR)

4) NFV workshop

Online NFV workshop from ETSI NFV ISG on Apr. 21st, 2021, Thinh recommend container task force to present, Fred will present on behalf of ONAP. 


5) Other

recommend start after the week of Mar. 28th.  shift to 1 hour early.


ONAPMODEL-1: Resource IM of Modeling SubcommitteeOpen

ONAPMODEL-34: Resource DM of Modeling SubcommitteeOpen

@Xu Yang

Resource IM: 

ONAP R8 Resource IM Call 2021-3-22


ONAPMODEL-2: Service IM of Modeling SubcommitteeOpen


Service IM:

ONAP Service IM Minutes 20210310

Next call March 24th


ONAPMODEL-12: A&AI Reverse EngineeringOpen

@Jacqueline Beaulac [Ericsson]

@William Reehil

AAI Reverse Engineering status

a new ticket is created: AAI-3203: GraphGraph: Papyrus Model Generation Add Attribute DescriptionsClosed GraphGraph: Papyrus Model Generation Add Attribute Descriptions

Issues need to be resolved

a new ticket will be created by Jacqueline to synchronize the version of openmodel.


Action item to @Benjamin Cheung provide VES papyrus model and the community will validate it , it will be documented in Honolulu.

       - Loaded the more recent version of Papyrus with allows me now to see the models. The problem with the original instructions had an incompatible version of papyrus working with Eclipse.

Andy will connect with Ben to check whether Fred and Xu could help. 

Zoom Chat Log