PNFD/SDC AID/AAI Schema Modeling - Discussion Apr 9, 2020

PNFD/SDC AID/AAI Schema Modeling - Discussion Apr 9, 2020




  • Discuss PNFD/SDC AID/A&AI Schema Mapping - Action Items and Geolocation



Development and incorporation of STANDARDS for the PLACE object

This will be worked as the GEOLOCATION Modeling work in the R6 Modeling HLR: ONAP R6 Modeling High Level Requirements

Additional fields (low level fields) - consider context of how ONAP would use the information; it is unlikely that some of the lower level fields will be useful. (e.g. Cubicle, workstation level). Potentially rack information; equipment model IETF in M3100 stored on the Managed Element attribute.

Wiki page: Root (Root Model object)

ACTION: Information Model & PLACE Object proposal from Kevin Scaggs  / Start with "as built" model / Bob PapaSALVATORE RICCI 

ACTION: Complex object reverse engineering - Mapping of Place & A&AI Complex Object / Do an analysis on the Complex object / Reverse engineer of Complex / logical model vs grounding in current implementation → evolution / who will consume changes & use cases - downstream system / Standards → Needs Use Cases → Information Model → Objects & Data Model  / Subject Modeling S/C. Globalization of location information / simple things we can do wo/ breaking the complex object e.g. changing behavior applied to multiple countries are we missing attributes evolving location info for other U/C needs.

ACTION: R7 need & application?  VNF will likely need the address/location info/complex before PNF. (1) Containerization (2) multi-cloud 3rd party clouds & (3) attributes missing or extended A&AI schema update (4) support globalization. / VNF verizon ETSI alignment R7 Use Case "Onboard ETSI SOL004  compliant VNF packages"

Civic address and Geolocation information - co-existing.


How do we associate in the model and execute in A&AI code - the inter-dependencies between the Place object and complex

Refactoring code, A&AI data model, may need to refactor code.

These part of place object implemented as part of the complex object.

The complex object is in the addendum at the bottom of this Wiki

ACTION: How would this tie into the complex object or link/associate with the complex object.



STEP 1: INPUTS - Inputs for place location

STEP 2: DEVELOP LOCATION CLASS FOR ONAP - Once we complex / place location object should

STEP 3: ETSI SOL001 - work with ETSI to incorporate it into ETSI SOL 001. Contact the representatives working the ETSI SOL 001 standards and see if we can add a Geolocation element to the existing civic_address_element.

ACTION: (Done) Aug22 have contacted Thinh N. (Nokia); Ericsson contact? Thinh RESPONDED to bring it up at the Modeling Call. Ben → Contact Thinh

RESULT: Oct 3 Need to show in ETSI that there is a need for it. Need to understand what the ONAP need is. Geoloc harmonization standards would go back to ETSI SOL001.


TMF (TM Forum) / SID

Alignment to various standards: MEF/SID/Sonata. ITU-T. 3GPP TS32.xxx. IETF. MEF.

GB922 - Location Modeling Discussion

(Email) Keong Lim For your investigation into the location attributes, I wonder if you’ve considered what is in the TMF SID, specifically the classes for Urban Property Address and Urban Property Sub-Address as per:


From previous work on inventory systems, I know that these classes and properties have been implemented and used, so they would be useful for integration with AAI, even though there might not be an ONAP use case that documents the specific usages. Unfortunately, I cannot find my downloaded copy of the framework to send you, but you may be able to obtain it yourself through the website (needs a login).

ACTION: Retrieve GB922 (DONE)


Find out who the principle subject matter expert (SME) or contact for the Complex Object is. Would changes to the complex object be easy? Are they already being used throughout the source code? Would they be Schema breaking changes?

Honor what has already been done in Complex Object. How-To: Register a VIM/Cloud Instance to ONAP click on "CREATE A COMPLEX OBJECT"

AAI REST API Documentation - Frankfurt (swagger for complex object)

Take what is more data-center focused.

Introduce new attributes as necessary.

Info Model - Data model Map between.

            "physical-location-id": "clli2",
            "data-center-code": "example-data-center-code-val-6667",
            "complex-name": "clli2",
            "identity-url": "example-identity-url-val-28399",
            "physical-location-type": "example-physical-location-type-val-28399",
            "street1": "example-street1-val-28399",
            "street2": "example-street2-val-28399",
            "city": "example-city-val-28399",
            "state": "example-state-val-28399",
            "postal-code": "example-postal-code-val-28399",
            "country": "example-country-val-28399",
            "region": "example-region-val-28399",
            "latitude": "1111",
            "longitude": "2222",
            "elevation": "example-elevation-val-28399",
            "lata": "example-lata-val-28399"

CONTACT: (Identify contact). “What field” (semantical descriptor/association). ANSWER: A&AI Team.

ACTION: Complex object


– There are a number of A&AI Complex geolocation information that are driven by the ETSI NFV Geolocation RFC 6225 that we need to investigate how they are acquired or set in DHCP. And once point #2 is solved, mapping those to the appropriate complex object elements.

CONTACT: Jimmy Forsyth

RESULT: (Oct 3) - Ben was on A&AI (Oct 2) Jimmy said that Complex Object is rooted and entwined in the code so it would be very hard to redact it; it would be smarter to evolve. Need to understand how to tie place into the complex object, maybe complex could be subobject of place. Jimmy also mentioned that the Place & complex could be linked together. That might be a solution/way forward. Maybe complex would be a subobject to place if there is overlap in fields & concepts.

ASK A&AI - an example of the use of the Complex Object. Sep. location type things in other objects they have put it in. know complex object has location stuff baked into it. are there other objects that we need to look at.


Add informational table for the Geolocation fields from RFC6225.  (CLOSED) – see table on slide 22.

ACTION: Fill in tie-in fields to standards elements


Latitude Uncertainty - When the Ver field = 1, this field represents latitude uncertainty. Uncertainty = 2 ^ ( 21 - x ). x = 21 - ceil( log2( uncertainty ) )

Latitude – Latitude in binary geodetic form. A 34-bit fixed-point value consisting of 9 bits of integer and 25 bits of fraction.

Longitude Uncertainty - When the Ver field = 1, this field represents longitude uncertainty. Uncertainty = 2 ^ ( 21 - x ). x = 21 - ceil( log2( uncertainty ) )

Longitude – Longitude in binary geodetic form. A 34-bit fixed-point value consisting of 9 bits of integer and 25 bits of fraction.

Altitude Uncertainty - When the Ver field = 1, this field represents altitude uncertainty.

AltitudeA 30-bit value defined by the Altitude Type field

Altitude Type – (1) Altitude in Meters, (2) Altitude in Floors. 1 (indicates Altitude in Meters)

Altitude Resolution - value encodes the number of high-order altitude bits that should be considered valid

Map Datum - The Map Datum used for the coordinates given in this option: WGS84, NAD83 + NAVD88, NAD83 + MLLW. 2 (Indicates NAD83+  NAVD88)

IETF 4776

Defines the CA Type / Place Information & Civic Address

Extend for Geolocation information (RFC6225). Is this already implicit in elements in IFA14 spec mentions geolocation, at SOL level spec to add coordinates

Discussion with Thinh Nguyenphu  

  1. W/F Process #1 - ETSI / IFA/ SOL push through for standards work
  2. W/F Process #2 - Channel of ETSI ONAP through ONAP contact (Thinh) come as ONAP community request ETSI to add attribute. Recommended approach, and likely to adopt the modeling used. Resource IM weekly. ETSI IFA & SOL WG to incorporate into future specification. W/F process. Timeline.
  3. ETSI Timeline: SOL WG for Release 2. Next maintenance round is end-of-Jun 2020. SOL 001 edition 2.8.1 (current). "new feature" (new Use Case) vs "maintenance" (tweak on existing Use Case, bug fix). Release 3 mid-2020 ed 3.3.1. Goal: add to 2.8.1. Make CR vs ed 2.8.1.
  4. IFA Timeline: IFA Group, in parallel. Already mentioned in IFA14 spec. IFA has stopped maintenance additions for release 2.





LANGUAGE – Check on representation of location for Non-western Languages & scripts. Civil address specify in the data. How would A&AI represent addresses but expressed in different language. Store the address with way to designate language type. Relevant only if SP deals with more than one language at a time.

DISPLAY - If SDC and VID do not display multi-lingual support, do we assume that the Latin alphabet would be displayed for non-Latin characters?

STORAGE - How would other languages be stored in the fields which will store location/address/place information.

  1. MULTI-LANGUAGE (VID/ Ittay Stern) – There is no plan for VID to support multi-language functionality.
  2. MULTI-LANGUAGE (PORTAL/Manoop) – Portal Already Supports Multi-language Support portal-multi-language.pptx
  3. MULTI-LANGUAGE (UUI/ Tao) – Multi-language support will be supported by UUI project (was first developed in R4/ Dublin)
  4. MULTI-LANGUAGE (SDC/ Ofir) – There is no plan for SDC to support multi-language functionality.

ACTION: Should we ask TSC, Arch, U/C S/C.


There are 12 elements from the civic_address_element that do not map “nicely” to the complex elements fields. These are notably: division, block, street group, additional loc info, residence name, unit, floor, room, postal name, PO box, additional Code, seat/cubicle/work station. We need to decide if we wish to intentionally not map these or introduce new fields into the complex object. Note this item is dependent on a number of above items being solved first.

ACTION: Analysis to complex object. If what’s in complex object is sufficient and raise at the modeling and second opinion. (1) Internationalize the complex object, IETF 4776. (2) resolution. Maybe generalize the country/regional specific location elements. as a discussion group, discuss the model; for the missing field would have to show that there is a need within ONAP; is there a ONAP requirements for those item. Is there another attribute that covers that or is it something new that needs to be added. a Topic in Common. If the discussion would is good with it discuss it in Poll.

RESULT: (Oct 3) should be covered with the analysis & development of the PLACE & Complex object (see above)


ETSI Mapping SOL004

During PNF PnP PNFRegistration VES event will send information about the PNF

Eventually sends civic address & geolocation information in the VES event.

(1) VES PNFregistration VES events need to be updated.

(2) decide which parameters we want to have the VES event report.

ACTION: (Eventually incorporate new civic address & geolocation info into the PNFregistration VES event)



PNFD and ending up in an instance data (A&AI Model mapping)

From PNFD (onboarded) loaded into SDC AID to A&AI

Improvement of ingestion onto SDC AID

PNF ETSI NFV SOL001 - descriptor_id, function_description, provider, version, descriptor_invariant_id, name, geographical_location_info, virtual_link

SDC - invariantUUID, uui, customizationUUID, version, type, name, description, resourceVendor, resourceVendorRelease, resourceVendorModelNumber, category, subcategory, nf_function, nf_role, nf_type, software_versions

ACTION: Go to SDC and/or CDS. Identify Use Case. Will specification for geolocation in SOL001. Geolocation in PNFD not per site. Inventory information. For vendor may not be so useful as sites instances are tied to locations not so much descriptors; for service provider probably country or region may be useful. Onboarding in ETSI. SDC → Vendor PNFD → SDC Model


5G Service Model Use Case

The 5G service model use case in R6


is analyzing the incorporation of 3GPP TS28.540, 3GPP TS28.541 (the 5G NRM)

~100 parameters driven from the standards that might be incorporated into the ONAP databases incl. A&AI and Runtime Config DB.

Parameters related to inventory & commissioning would go to A&AI and schema updates.

Others (run-time) would go into the runTime DB.

in R6 we expect only modeling analysis, in R7 look and see which parameters might actually be used.

Onboarding - and schema definition for RunTime Cfg DB could be either (a) artifact loaded from vendors and (b) pre-defined driven from standards.

Arch. Flows that are used: SDC artifact distribution, RunTime Cfg DB flows.

Presentations: Modeling S/C calls, U/C realization call, 5G U/C call.

ETSI Thinh / Model coordinated / Information Modeling need & use case



Investigate when these would be really necessary. Are they needed in R6? Our discussion today (educated guess) is that they will be needed probably a release or two AFTER an actual, real physical DU is integrated with ONAP.

No code changes being requested in R6; but will likely need S/W changes in R7.

ACTION: R6: OUTPUT in R6 - Need to document what S/W and U/C (PnP) impacts that there will be. Schema impacts, API changes, and consumers of the API impacts.


Meeting on the FIRST Thursday of Each Month

ONAP Meeting 4 is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.


Meeting ID: 112 318 171

R7 Model Release Planning

ONAP R7 Modeling High Level Requirements

Modeling Activity & Use Case Relevance


Slides for Geolocation proposal



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