2019-01-16[ExtAPI] Meeting notes
2019-01-16[ExtAPI] Meeting notes
at 10:00AM EDT
Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/957965398
- Recording: ( no zoom recording )
- BBS Usecase: Adrian OSullivan presented an excellent track: DMAAP with AAI event notification.
- CCVPN Usecase: seems to be difficult to implement a fully service modification since service characteristics still not available
- Johanne Mayer shared the ETSI ZSM use case
- Not mentionned in meeting but EXTAPI docker image 3.0.2 has been release for Casablanca Maintenance Release
- Next call Jan 23
- Future item:
- Assessments completed for M1 ( which has been postepone to )
Action items
, multiple selections available,