2020-11-04 [ExtAPI] Meeting notes

2020-11-04 [ExtAPI] Meeting notes


Nov 4, 2020 at 14:00 UTC

Note time is 14:00 UTC 

Meeting Link:  https://zoom.us/j/719188490?pwd=djdYTVJRUVFIUkpqNi80SEZQVmZvdz09 


TMForumPerformanceManagementEnd2End.pdf  TMF628_next_gen_v2.yaml

The sql query template:

select sum(measurementFields.additionalFields."UPF.N3IncPkt._Dnn"+measurementFields.additionalFields."UPF.N3OgPkt._Dnn") as totalTraffic from upf where commonEventHeader.sourceId = '${id}'  and  from_unixtime(commonEventHeader.lastEpochMicrosec/1000) <= from_iso8601_timestamp( '${timeStamp}') 

 the sample like the pic below;

The API url maintains unchanged.

Once the SQL query be made, the parameters in request body  you can design on demand, 

The response body will include three part: 

     resultsql query result 

     request,: the original request parameters in request body.

     result count

The new TMF 628 user guide is currenty being recreated, but only supports file transfer collection. Work has started on defining the REST Collection which may suit DES API, but is not currently available

  • any other business