5G Bulk PM "Control Plane"- Integration Usecase Testcases

5G Bulk PM "Control Plane"- Integration Usecase Testcases

--- Frankfurt Release Test Scope ---

5G Bulk PM "Control Plane"

Bulk PM "Control planeā€ in ONAPĀ  will manage PM

  • Support enabling configuration of PM jobs/subscriptions on xNFs
  • PM consumers can conveniently define PM subscriptions on (sub)network-level, thereby configuring PM on a set (small or large) of xNF instances in a single subscription. Different consumers to manage their own subscriptions, independently of each other.

Configuration aspects of the PMSH mS:

  • The PMSH mS is mainly configured via the configuration policy in CLAMP. The actual PM subscription is configured this way.
  • Post-deployment reconfiguration of the subscription/mS is also being considered, via different means (e.g. CLAMP or some new types of events on DMaaP). This can be reconfiguration of xNF filter or reconfiguration of the actual PM subscription (e.g. list of measurements).
  • PMSH probably also needs some additional basic configuration, e.g. which MR to connect to, which MR topics to listen and publish to.


Test environment requirements for the test cases:

  • xNF simulator for test cases:Ā  SFTP / FTPes capable server.
  • xNF is registered with ONAP:
    • E.g. xNF able to produce data files and send VES fileReady events,
    • E.g. xNF emulator able to produce 'fileReady' notification events including updated events, or a series or predefined VES events at periodic intervals.
    • Sample data files for collection. E.g. 3gpp PM file(s)
  • DMaaP Message Router.
  • SDNC
  • A&AI

JIRA / Confluence Link:

High Level End-to-End integration Testcases

Bulkpm_CL_01Ensure an ONAP user can create an inactive PM Subscription for specified PNF through CLAMP GUI.


Bulkpm_CL_02Ensure an ONAP can user create an active PM Subscription for specified PNF through CLAMP GUI.



Ensure a Network Function's PM Configuration is available on the Network Function Instance After an ONAP user activates an Inactive subscription.



Ensure a Network Function's PM Configuration is available on the Network Function Instance After an ONAP user creates an active subscription.



Ensure a subscription config is removed from a network function after an ONAP user deactivates a PM subscription.


Bulkpm_CL_06Ensure an existing network function's PM configuration is applied for newly added PNF instances in ONAP if it matches NF filter criteria.


Bulkpm_CL_07Ensure an un-deploy PM Subscription control loop removesĀ corresponding network functions subscription from the node.


Bulkpm_CL_08Ensure that removal of PNF from ONAP (A&AI), trigger the automatic removal of xNF from all the subscriptions it is currently included in.


Bulkpm_CL_09Ensure that when a subscription filter matches multiple network functions of different NFType, multiple CBAs will be executed.


*Ensure an ONAP can user create an active PM Subscription for specified VNF through CLAMP GUI.


*Ensure that removal of VNF from ONAP (A&AI), trigger the automatic removal of xNF from all the subscriptions it is currently included in.


*Ensure an ONAP can user create an inactive PM Subscription for specified VNFĀ  through CLAMP GUI.


*Ensure an existing network function's PM configuration is applied for newly added VNF instances in ONAP if it matches NF filter criteria.


*Ensure that ONAP user is able to modify PM Subscription configuration (e.g. add/remove PM counters, change granularity period, file location, etc) only when it is in inactive state)


*Ensure that ONAP user is able to modify NF Filter in PM Subscription.


Bulk PM "Control Plane" E2E Sunny Day Scenario Sequence Diagram

Update Filter(Filter modification)

Update Filter(A&AI Event Processing)

Modify Measurement Parameters

Detailed Description End-to-End Feature Integration Testcases :

Test Case ID


Test Case NameEnsure an ONAP user can create an inactive PM Subscription for specified PNF through CLAMP GUI.
DescriptionThis test verify that once inactive pm subscription is deployed through CLAMP GUI, it is present in PMSH config in consul.
Pre-conditionsONAP with SDNC,SDC,DMAAP,CLAM should be installed. PMSH Control Loop service exist in SDC.
Testing Steps
StepsExpected Result
  • Create PM Subscription withĀ administrativeState": "LOCKED"Ā  in CLAMP and Deploy Control Loop.

Sample inactive configuration:

            "subscriptionName": "B1000",
            "administrativeState": "LOCKED",
            "fileBasedGP": 15,
            "fileLocation": "c://PM",
            "measurementGroups": [
                "measurementGroup": {
                  "measurementTypes": [
                      "measurementType": "attTCHSeizures"
                      "measurementType": "succTCHSeizures"
                  "managedObjectDNsBasic": [
                      "DN": "RncFunction=RF-1,UtranCell=Gbg-998"
                      "DN": "RncFunction=RF-1,UtranCell=Gbg-500"
                      "DN": "RncFunction=RF-1,UtranCell=Gbg-100"
  • Bulk-pm Control Loop will be deployed. Following artifact will be created as a part of CL
    1. Ā PMSH service.
    2. Monitory Policy distribution.Ā 

  • Confirm PM subscription is present in consul configuration of PMSH service.
  • Subscription info is present in consul config of PMSH.
Conclusion (Pass /Fail)Deferred to Guilin release
Automation ( Yes - link / No)
Testing Lab


Test Case ID


Test Case NameEnsure an ONAP can user create an active PM Subscription for specified PNF through CLAMP GUI.
DescriptionThis test verify that once inactive pm subscription is deployed through CLAMP GUI, it is present in PMSH config in consul.
Pre-conditionsONAP with SDNC,SDC,DMAAP,CLAM should be installed. PMSH Control Loop service exist in SDC.
Testing Steps
StepsExpected Result
  • Create PM Subscription withĀ administrativeState": "UNLOCKED"Ā  in CLAMP and Deploy Control Loop.

Sample inactive configuration:

            "subscriptionName": "B1000",
            "administrativeState": "UNLOCKED",
            "fileBasedGP": 15,
            "fileLocation": "c://PM",
            "measurementGroups": [
                "measurementGroup": {
                  "measurementTypes": [
                      "measurementType": "attTCHSeizures"
                      "measurementType": "succTCHSeizures"
                  "managedObjectDNsBasic": [
                      "DN": "RncFunction=RF-1,UtranCell=Gbg-998"
                      "DN": "RncFunction=RF-1,UtranCell=Gbg-500"
                      "DN": "RncFunction=RF-1,UtranCell=Gbg-100"
  • Bulk-pm Control Loop will be deployed. Following artifact will be created as a part of CL
    1. Ā PMSH service.
    2. Monitory Policy distribution.Ā 

  • Confirm an active PM subscription is present in consul configuration for PMSH service.
  • An active PM subscription info is present in consul config of PMSH.
Conclusion (Pass /Fail)Deferred to Guilin release
Automation ( Yes - link / No)
Testing Lab


Test Case ID


Test Case NameEnsure a Network Function's PM Configuration is available on the Network Function Instance After an ONAP user activates an Inactive subscription.
DescriptionThis test verify that onap user able to activate an existing inactive subscription.
Testing Steps
StepsExpected Result
  • User send PM subscription activation REST request to Policy fwk.
  • Policy will update PMSH PM subscription config in consul.

  • Confirm an active PM subscription is present in consul configuration for PMSH service and Network function instance has an active subscription.
  • Newly created PM subscription is present on network function instance ( pnf ) and pnf is generating PM files accordingly.
Conclusion (Pass /Fail)Pass
Automation ( Yes - link / No)No
Testing Lab


Test Case ID


Test Case NameEnsure a Network Function's PM Configuration is available on the Network Function Instance After an ONAP user creates an active subscription.
DescriptionThis test verify that once active pm subscription is deployed through CLAMP GUI, a network function's PM configuration is available on the Network Function Instance.
Testing Steps
StepsExpected Result
  • Create PM Subscription withĀ administrativeState": "UNLOCKED"Ā  in CLAMP and Deploy Control Loop.

Sample inactive configuration:

            "subscriptionName": "B1000",
            "administrativeState": "UNLOCKED",
            "fileBasedGP": 15,
            "fileLocation": "c://PM",
            "measurementGroups": [
                "measurementGroup": {
                  "measurementTypes": [
                      "measurementType": "attTCHSeizures"
                      "measurementType": "succTCHSeizures"
                  "managedObjectDNsBasic": [
                      "DN": "RncFunction=RF-1,UtranCell=Gbg-998"
                      "DN": "RncFunction=RF-1,UtranCell=Gbg-500"
                      "DN": "RncFunction=RF-1,UtranCell=Gbg-100"
  • Bulk-pm Control Loop will be deployed. Following artifact will be created as a part of CL
    1. Ā PMSH service.
    2. Monitory Policy distribution.Ā 

  • Confirm creation of PM subscription on network function instance.
  • Newly created PM subscription is present on network function instance ( pnf ) and pnf is generting

PM files accordingly.

Conclusion (Pass /Fail)Pass
Automation ( Yes - link / No)No
Testing Lab


Test Case ID


Test Case NameEnsure a pm subscription is removed from a network function after an ONAP user deactivates a PM subscription.
DescriptionThis test verify that once user send pm subscription deactivate request to policy fwk, PM subscription is deleted from network function.
Pre-conditionsBulkpm_CL_03 or Bulkpm_CL_04
Testing Steps
StepsExpected Result
  • User send PM subscription deactivation REST request to Policy fwk.
  • Policy will update PMSH PM subscription config in consul.
  • Confirm a inactive PM subscription is present in consul configuration for PMSH service and Network function instance has deleted corresponding pm subscription.
  • Network function (pnf ) deletes corresponding PM subscription.
Conclusion (Pass /Fail)Pass
Automation ( Yes - link / No)No
Testing Lab


Test Case ID


Test Case NameEnsure an existing network function's PM configuration is applied for newly added PNF instances in ONAP if it matches NF filter criteria.
DescriptionThis test verify that a PM subsumption is applied to newly added network function if it matches NF filter criteria.
Pre-conditionsPM Subscription is active for NF criteria.
Testing Steps
StepsExpected Result
  • Register a new network function (pnf) in ONAP.
  • Network function is added successfully to ONAP and it is available in A&AI.
  • Confirm that if newly added network function matches NF Filter criteria in PMSH then corresponding PM Subscription
    is applied to network function.
  • PM Subscription is created in network function.
Conclusion (Pass /Fail)Pass
Automation ( Yes - link / No)No
Testing Lab


Test Case ID


Test Case NameEnsure an un-deploy PM Subscription control loop removesĀ corresponding network functions subscription from the node.
DescriptionThis test verify that when user un-deploy the PM subscription control loop , it also remove corresponding network function pm subscription.
Testing Steps
StepsExpected Result
  • Un-deploy existing PM subscription control loop.
  • PM subscription control loop deployment is gone and also associated pmsh service and policy distribution also deleted.
  • Confirm network function doesn't have corresponding PM subscription.
  • Corresponding PM subscription is not present in Network function ( pnf )
Conclusion (Pass /Fail)Pass
Automation ( Yes - link / No)No
Testing Lab


Test Case ID


Test Case NameEnsure that removal of PNF from ONAP (A&AI), trigger the automatic removal of network function from all the subscriptions it is currently included in.
DescriptionThis test verify that if user remove pnf from ONAP ( A&AI) , then PM subscription control loop will automatically deactivate pm subscription for corresponding network function.
Pre-conditionsBulkpm_CL_03 or Bulkpm_CL_04
Testing Steps
StepsExpected Result
  • Remove network function (pnf) from the ONAP ( A&AI)
  • Network function ( pnf ) is removed from A&AI.
  • Confirm that PM subscription control loop deactivate subscription for corresponding network function (pnf).
  • Network function doesn't have corresponding PM subscription.
Conclusion (Pass /Fail)Pass
Automation ( Yes - link / No)No
Testing Lab


Test Case ID


Test Case NameEnsure that when a subscription filter matches multiple network functions of different NFType, multiple CBAs will be executed.
DescriptionThis test verifies that if multiple network functions need to have a subscription applied, that the correct CBA is executed for the corresponding NFType.

Testing Steps
StepsExpected Result
  • Add 2 network functions to ONAP that are of different NFType
  • Network function ( pnf ) is added to A&AI.
  • Create subscription with filter that will match both NFs
  • Both NFs have subscription applied
Conclusion (Pass /Fail)Pass
Automation ( Yes - link / No)No
Testing Lab
