2021-07-02 Meeting notes

2021-07-02 Meeting notes







  1. ChrisC  talked to Sylvain, OOM PTL (unfortunately Sylvain could not join)
    1. OOM team working on getting a live public Helm repository — LF Nexus
    2. Charts can be pulled, so no need to pull and build OOM repo anymore
    3. High level deployment strategy: you can add another repo (could be built locally or on a public repo), you can create a single override file that will get the required charts from ONAP public repo + ORAN-SC charts
    4. Timing of Nexus repo – we can get from Sylvain, possibly Istanbul
    5. Sebastien from AT&T tried it, used gitsubmodule (instead of public repo) to simulate where you would have both OOM and OSC Charts. Able to build Charts, push them to a common local repo, installed both Charts to the same K8s Namespace (or different TBD – Sylvain said the only reason to use the same Namespace is if there are common secrets), able to deploy the same set of Charts with a single override. gitsubmodule is a temporary approach since it is a complicated one, ideal is to host the Charts on a public repo. Ideally O-RAN-SC Charts should also be built by Jenkins and hosted in a repo, then the deployment becomes very straightforward. No need to build the Helm Charts with this approach.
    6. John Keeney (Ericsson EST)will ask OSC about the Charts.
    7. Demo by Sebastien Determe – see recording
      1. Can Namespace be changed – ONAP does not allow that right now
      2. DNS sharing might create problem across Namespaces
      3. OSC Charts had to be modified as well to remove some hardcoded values
      4. No forking of ONAP OOM; also looking at override of submodules (e.g. specific SO modules)
    8. Which repo to put this on? OSC or ONAP space? Most people were OK either way. Currently private repo, ask Sebastien for access.
    9. Next automate the testing as well.


recording link