Calendar Management 2019-03-12 Meeting notes
Kenny Paul Former user (Deleted) Pamela Dragosh Shankaranarayanan Puzhavakath Narayanan Yuriy Malakov Scott Blandford
2nd Wave
: Stephen terrill Amy Zwarico Kevin Scaggs User 85434
Discussion items
Discussed Keong Lim 's proposal: Calendar and Zoom Bridge Management Suggestion 1
#agreed Keep meeting calendar entries associated with the correct mailing list i.e usecase, arch discuss etc.
#agreed Keep bridge associated w/ mailing list wherever possible
#agreed Meeting hosts can end meetings "by force", but would like to look for an automated method of ending meetings
- Kenny Paul ensure policy/ best practices around meeting host w/ zoom privs vs. bridge mangers == moderators w/ zoom privs is noted
#agreed meeting hosts can kill an in-progress bridge that is blocking their scheduled call
#agreed send monthly PSA
- Kenny Paul figure out if a monthly PSA can be automated
- Kenny Paul add kill-a-bridge hot-to to FAQ
Issues - meeting invites added by clicking on the embedded invite are incorrect with time change whereas subscriptions are correct.
- Kenny Paul add to FAQ don't use embedded links use copy invite in zoom or in invites
- Kenny Pauladd sequence of zoom and then cal steps to FAQ for cal hosts
- Kenny Paulsend invite to Kevin Scaggsfor modeling bridge