ONAP Release Awards Proposal

ONAP Release Awards Proposal


The TSC reviewed this proposal in May, 2023 and voted on it on May 11

The TSC agreed on the proposal to begin the award nominations at the RC milestone; however, they decided to not change the current categories.

Note that in not changing the categories, the TSC agreed with the policy of moving forward with awards if there are no nominations for a particular category, rather than extending the nomination period, as we've done in the past, in hope that there would be nominations.


Based on the slow pace of nominations, and the lack of nominations for some categories, there appears to be a lack of interest in the awards process recently.  We believe that this is due to two issues:

  1. Awards are decided and announced several months after the completion of the release, so the awards are not connected in time to the excitement of the Sign Off.  In addition, it may be difficult for the community to remember the events of the release in order to make good nominations.

  2. Based on the lack of nominations, it appears that the community does not find some of the categories compelling.



We propose to begin the awards process as soon as the RC milestone is reached and to conclude it no later than 2 months following Sign Off.  This will more clearly attach the awards to the release event.  In addition, it will be easier to get nominations because the release will still be top of mind, since we will be seeking nominations at the tail end of the release instead of months after.


We propose reducing the number of categories, using the nominations for the Kohn release as a guide.  There were no nominations in the following categories, so we suggest that they be eliminated:

  • Citizenship Award (Note:  could be combined with the Top Achievement Award, since they have some overlap)

  • Automation Testing and Test Coverage Award

This would leave the following categories:

  • Top Achievement Award

  • S3P Improvements

  • ONAP Demonstration Award

  • Code Development Award


We suggest making these changes beginning with the RC milestone for the London release, currently scheduled for May 25, 2023.