ONAP Community Awards: Istanbul Release

ONAP Community Awards: Istanbul Release

Recognizing the contributions of your peers to the success in delivering this ONAP release!

Nominations come from the community unless otherwise noted in the description. The TSC will then votes on the nominees.

Nominations open through: Feb 14, 2022 
TSC Voting Closes: TBD


Top Achievement Award 

Presented to the individual whose exemplary behavior, spirit and contributions during this release cycle have played a pivotal role in:

  • the success and timely delivery of this ONAP release

  • the growth and/or maintenance of a thriving global community and ecosystem

  • fostering cooperation and collaboration which crosses multiple technical, organizational, political and geographic boundaries

Nominated Candidate

Reason for Nomination

Nominated Candidate

Reason for Nomination

@Jack Lucas 

Jack is working hard on DCAE for a lot of years. His work in OOM made him a committer also on this project. Being retired, Jack is working only for the good of ONAP and it's dedication is really a plus for the whole ONAP project

Jack contribution has been instrumental in moving DCAE to new architecture under OOM/helm for Istanbul release. Jack has been supporting ONAP as committer/contributor for several ONAP project - DCAE, CCSDK since inception, recently approved as OOM committer based his continued good track record.  Jack is serving ONAP post retirement (from AT&T since mid-2020) as an independent contributor - his efforts and dedication for ONAP is extremely commendable.

Citizenship Award 

Presented to the individual who has provided the highest level of personal assistance in the form of leadership, education, mentorship, testing/development/debugging, document creation/review or similar direct and indirect support activities for the ONAP community across multiple projects, committees or initiatives. 

Nominated Candidate

Reason for Nomination

Nominated Candidate

Reason for Nomination

@Lukasz Rajewski 

Lukasz was strongly involved in CNF journey: very active in the CNCF Task force, contributions to Service Orchestrator. He brings a lot of support to the community, mentorship by providing tutorials, education people, DDF presentations. He was very active to provide support for the 5G Super Blueprint especially to solve integration issue with Magma.

It is also important to state that this work is reused for the 5G SA experimental project PIkeo launched in France.

As part of the Istanbul release, Lukasz drove the CNF Orchestration Enhancements (REQ-627) - With these changes introduced, information about created CNF resources in k8s cluster are now available. This information can be utilized later on i.e. in closed-loop context. CNF Healthcheck Workflow in SO will let to monitor the status of CNF deployed into k8s cluster and whether it is healthy or not. Further changes in k8splugin related to Helm spec support allow for the better and more reliable deployment of complex CNFs defined as a helm package. In addition, "ONAP for Enterprise" Task Force and "5G Super Blueprint" LFN initiative continously benefit from any CNF requirement led by Lukasz.

S3P Improvements 

Presented to the project which has made the most significant progress improving their own project's stability, security, scalability and performance deliverables, serving as a model for other ONAP projects to follow in this area.

Nominated Candidate

Reason for Nomination

Nominated Candidate

Reason for Nomination

DCAE Project

The DCAE project continue to evolve their platform maturity requirements release after release. They reached up to 96% Silver Level - CII Badging as part of their Istanbul release - Istanbul Release Platform Maturity

Key Security updates for Istanbul

  • Removed GPLv3 license from software by switching to onap/integration base images for CBS, Policy-Handler, VES-Mapper, PM-mapper, TCAgen2, DL Feeder, DL-DES (DCAEGEN2-2455)

  • Healthcheck container Py3 upgrade  (DCAEGEN2-2737)

  • Vulnerability updates for several DCAE MS (TCA-gen2, DataFileCollector,RESTConf, VES,Mapper, PM-Mapper, PRH, SON-handler, KPI-MS, Slice-Analysis MS) (DCAEGEN2-2768)

  • DL feeder/DES switched to PG (from mariaDB) and made complaint with non-root pod. 

Architecture Alignment - Major progress made toward DCAE architecture tranformation to remove Cloudify/Consul dependencies; this simplies the architecture and deployment of DCAE MS. All DCAE microservices migration to helm was completed in Istanbul release. Since Honolulu, 13 additional MS has been delivered added for Helm deployment support (with parallel support under Cloudify/blueprint (legacy) retained for regression/backward compatibility). Introduced Helm Templated resuable functions under dcaegen2-services-common charts; each DCAE components/mS can enable required features via configuration override. Following are current set of features available under dcaegen2-services-common charts

- K8S Secret/Environment mapping
- CMPv2 Certificate support
- Policy Sidecar
- Mount data from configmap through PV/PVC
- Dynamic Topic/feed provisioning
- AAF certificates generation/distribution            

ONAP Demonstration Award(s) 

NOTE: Opt-in contest open to any ONAP community members. ENTRIES MUST BE SUBMITTED HERE.  The TSC will then select up to 3 of their favorite demos from those submitted to receive an award 

 E2E Network Slicing Use case

Automation Testing & Test Coverage Award(s)

NOTE: Hand chosen by TSC members- Presented based on the TSC's evaluation and assessment of the impact an individual's contributions has had upon ONAP testing and test automation efforts.  

  • Morgan Richomme (Integration)

  • Stanislav Marszalek

  • Krystian Kedron

  • Maciej Wereski

  • Michal Jagiello

Metrics Derived Awards

Code Development Award 

NOTE: Derived exclusively from LFX Insights Data -Automatically awarded to the Top-3 contributors of merged code as measured between M1 May 20, 2021 and the Sign-off Nov 16, 2021 dates. 

  • Jim Hahn

  • Liam Fallon

  • Ram Krishna Verma