Required Configurations

Required Configurations

This guide introduces the required configuration of using intend model. Make sure you have already installed ONAP.

1. MSB Configuration

Register aai, so and usecaseui-intent-analysis services.

Link: https://{{master server ip}}:30284/iui/microservices/default.html

  1. Select 'Service Discover' in the left pane.

  2. Click 'Service Register' button.

3. Input the basic info as the pictures show. And click the 'Add Host' button to input the IP and PORT. The IP and Port of Host can be confirmed by 'kubectl get svc -n onap'.






2. Run Closed-Loop PNC simulator

To simulate PNC and bandwidth, you should run the simulator. The simulator and guide can be found in CCVPN Closed-Loop PNC simulator QuickStart.

3. Create Intent Usecase

Link: https://{{master server ip}}:30283/iui/usecaseui

Step1 Select 'Intent Management' and Click 'Create' button to create intent usecase.


Input the information of intent. An intent usecase is included in the attachment.