How to support the Closed Loop Intent

How to support the Closed Loop Intent

This page introduce how to support the closed loop intent.

1.Create The sporadic high-flow transfer support intent

1.1 Add the Configuration Policy

1.1.1 Create the configuration Policy Type

Method: POST URL: https://policyhost:port/policy/api/v1/policytypes Body: { "tosca_definitions_version":"tosca_simple_yaml_1_1_0", "policy_types":{ "onap.policies.monitoring.docker.slicems.app":{ "version":"1.0.0", "description":"Runtime Configuration of Slice MS", "derived_from":"onap.policies.Monitoring:1.0.0", "properties":{ "cllId":{ "type":"string", "required":true, "description":"cll id" }, "closedLoopStatus":{ "type":"string", "required":true, "description":"whether provide closed loop assurance for one cll" }, "originalBw":{ "type":"string", "required":true, "description":"original bw of one cll" } } } } }


1.1.2 Create Configuration Policy

Create configuration policy with the parameters :

cllId:  The id of the CLL service which to monitor

closedLoopStatus: monitor the service or not, off: don't monitor , on: monitor

originalBw: The original intent bandwidth,this is used to reverse the bandwidth if the sporadic high-flow is passed.

Method: POST URL: https://policyhost:port/policy/api/v1/policytypes/onap.policies.monitoring.docker.slicems.app/versions/1.0.0/policies Body: { "tosca_definitions_version":"tosca_simple_yaml_1_1_0", "topology_template":{ "policies":[ { "onap.dcae.slicems.config":{ "type":"onap.policies.monitoring.docker.slicems.app", "type_version":"1.0.0", "version":"1.0.0", "metadata":{ "policy-id":"onap.dcae.slicems.config", "policy-version":1 }, "properties":{ "cllId":"cll-01", "closedLoopStatus":"on", "originalBw":"1000" } } } ] } }

1.1.3 Deploy Configuration Policy

Method: POST URL: https://policypaphost:port/policy/pap/v1/pdps/policies Body: { "policies": [ { "policy-id": "onap.dcae.slicems.config", "policy-version": 1 } ] }

1.2 Add the drools policy

1.2.1 Create the drools policy

1.2.2 Deploy the drools policy

2. Remove the sporadic high-flow transfer support intent

2.1 Update(delete and create) Configuration Policy

Note: Update policy is not supported by Policy module now ,so  delete and create is used for update.

2.1.1 Undeploy Configuration Policy

2.1.2 Delete Configuration Policy 

2.1.3 Create Configuration Policy 

Recreate the configuration policy with the closedLoopStatus as "off" to remove the monitoring CLL bandwith.

2.1.4 Deploy configuration policy

2.2 Delete Drools policy

2.1.1 Undeploy Drools Policy

2.1.2 Delete Drools Policy