Use Case High Level Design for Kohn Release

Use Case High Level Design for Kohn Release

General Intent Model and General Intent Interface Proposal:

Intent Analysis Server Architecture Proposal:

The Use Case Description:

Intent Analysis


     A video business Enterprise have local site and cloud site,  so they need a CLL VPN to support their daily office from local site to cloud site. And some times  they will trans a lot of videos from local to the cloud , they hope the service provider can support this high-flow transfer  to ensure their office  work.

Original Intent:

     An intent  for one CLL VPN  , from local site to cloud site,  and 1G banwidth. And sporadic high-flow transfer support.

Intent Analysis Servier:

     Intent analysis server receive the original intent ,  the intent have two parts, one to provision a CLL VPN with 1G bandwidth from local site to cloud site. Another to support the sporadic high-flow transfer. Based on the detection-investigation-definition-distribution-operation lifecycle of the intent. The original intent is decomposed to the two sub intents. 

     The service provision sub intent will be translate to the service provisioning call , Intent analysis server will call SO to  create the CLL instance.

     The service assurance sub intent will be translate to the closed-loop call . Intent analysis server will call DCAE(through configuration policy) to create the monitor logic for the CLL service and also call Policy to create the policy rules.( The logic will be based on the CCVPN-IBN use case.)

Impact projects:


Impact Description



Impact Description



UUI Portal should support the Intent management page.  

UUI-Intent Analysis Server

1.Provide the function of decomposition and orchestration of intent.

2.  Support general intent model and general intent interface

3. Support translate  intent by APEX policy

4. Support CLL use case.Create  CCVPN instance through SO, create Policy and DCAE rules for assurance.


1.Provide the  solution for intent analysis service to create/delete the  monitor rule for the  CLL usecase.

2.Should do enhancement on the old CCVPN  closed loop, so that that can support both increase and decrease the bandwith.


1.Provide the corresponding policies for intent decomposition and intent maaping

2. Provide the APIs to create/delete policy for CLL usecase.

3. Support to listen the event of DCAE and take the action for increase and decrease the bandwith. 

4.Suport th APEX policies neede by intent analysis server(Orchestration, Decomposition, Mapping  ,Decision to select the  3rd party intent management etc.) 

Bandwith increase is supported by CCVPN-IBN in Jakarta release,  recover the bandwith should be support in Kohn release.


SO support the CLL instance creation APIs to the intent analysis server

The feature is supported in Jakarta release , need integration test.

Module Interaction


  1. The closed loop policy is Drools policy , to make sure the Policy module to take increase/decrease bandwidth action when get the DCAE enent.

  2. The configuration policy will sent the runtime DCAE analyse service micro-service configuration , this configuration will control the micro service will monitor the CLL service or not.These two calls make sure the closed loop created or removed for the CLL service ,to support the high-flow support intent.