Cloud Leased Line (CLL) Configuration and Operation Guidance

Cloud Leased Line (CLL) Configuration and Operation Guidance

On this page, we are listing the required configurations to set up an environment ready for trying the Cloud Leased Line (CLL) use case as part of ONAP's CCVPN support for Intent Based Networking.

Below, is the SDNC operation guidance:

Step1: Upgrade your SDNC image version to 2.2.3

Depending on the release version of ONAP installed in your environment, you may need to adjust your sdnc-image version so that it contains all the required fixes. To upgrade SDNC to a newer version 2.2.3, you do not necessarily need to change your complete ONAP environment. All you need to do is upgrade SDNC only. This can be done by the following kubectl command. The values/parameters should be adjusted based on the specific environment configs (for example, the namespace "onap" which comes after "-n", and/or the name of "dev-sdnc", etc.). After the following command, search for sdnc-image and change the version to 2.2.3. This operation would terminate the existing sdnc pod and will launch a new one with the new image.

kubectl -n onap edit statefulsets dev-sdnc

Step2: Registration of the third-party domain controllers and topology discovery operation

ONAP community has decided to exclude the ESR Portal module from ONAP. Therefore, in order to register the 3rd party controllers, we now have to manually invoke AAI’s RESTful API for that. To do so, send the following CURL command (PUT) to your AAI, with the attached xml payload. In the payload, please adjust the controller name (in this case sdnc1) and the controller ip address accordingly based on your environment:

curl -k -X PUT https://{{your-onap-ip-address}}:30233/aai/v16/external-system/esr-thirdparty-sdnc-list/esr-thirdparty-sdnc/sdnc1 -u "AAI:AAI" -H "X-FromAppId:postman" -H "Content-Type:application/xml" -H "Accept: application/xml" -H "X-TransactionId:9999" -d @/home/onap/esr-registration-controller-1.xml

Payload xml file:

Once a third-party controller is registered with ONAP, a "Topology Discovery" operation gets triggered and the domain controller will be called in order to retrieve the topology. SDNC then will store the topology in AAI.

Step3: Creating Endpoints

In case you are using our provided 2-domain topology json files in your controllers, create the following 5 endpoints in your AAI. The attached postman collection file includes all the required payloads and URLs for the RESTful operations:

In summary, here are the list of endpoints:

  • For Domain A:

    • tranportEp_src_ID_111_1 (onu1) (LEAF)

    • tranportEp_src_ID_111_2 (onu2) (LEAF)

    • tranportEp_src_ID_113_1 (onu3) (LEAF)

  • For Domain B:

    • tranportEp_src_ID_212_1 (cloud-pop-1) (ROOT)

    • tranportEp_src_ID_213_2 (cloud-pop-2) (ROOT)

It is important that the next-hop value in above endpoints match with p-interface values in your topologies.

In case of any issues or in need of any support for the steps mentioned in this wiki page, you are welcome to send your inquiries to Huawei, and in particular to Hesam Rahimi: hesam.rahimi@huawei.com