CLAMP <-> DCAE pairwise Testing

CLAMP <-> DCAE pairwise Testing

CLAMP - Control loop interacts with DCAE to deploy dcaegen2 services like PMSH.

This test makes sure the interaction between DCAE's helm chart server and Control loop works as expected.

Testing procedure:

  1. Control loop runtime, DMaap, kubernetes-participant are deployed in k8s cluster along with DCAE and DCAE's chartserver (chartmuseum) and Consul.

  2. Commission a TOSCA template containing the definition of a Control loop from POLICY GUI. The definitions include kubernetes participant, http participant and the control loop elements containing the helm chart reference of any dcaegen2 services and configuration details.

    1. (Sample TOSCA template used for helm chart deployment  click-here)

  3. Verify the commissioning is successful from GUI to the control loop runtime.

  4. Instantiate the control loop from GUI.

    1. Verify the instance properties of Control loop elements are editable.

    2. Verify the control loop instance created successfully with default state "UNINITIALISED".

  5. Change the state of Control loop from "UNINITIALISED" to "PASSIVE" and make sure the kubernetes participant has deployed the helm chart in the cluster from DCAE's chart server without errors.

  6. Verify the k8s cluster with below commands:

    1. helm ls -n <namespace> - The helm deployment of dcaegen2 service should be listed.

    2. kubectl get pod -n <namespace> - The pods deployed as part of dcaegen2 services should be in Init/Running state.

  7. Once the pods are up and Running , verify the http participant has posted the subscription config of PMSH microservice to the Consul server.

    1.  Consul server ui : http://<CONSUL-SERVER_IP>/ui/#/dc1/kv/

  8. Change the state of Control loop from "PASSIVE" to "UNINITIALISED" and verify the pods deployed in the previous step was deleted from the cluster.

      Repeat the test with multiple combinations of Control loop state changes and make sure the helm charts are deployed/undeployed successfully from DCAE's chart museum server.