FM updates
This page captures the details of the updated FM message (alarm) reported by RAN (Sim) towards ONAP over VES, and the associated processing.
@Niranjana Y and @krishna moorthy to note.
A separate alarm will be sent for each collision and each confusion.
An explicit alarm_off condition will be sent by RAN to ONAP (severity: NORMAL).
An alarm on/off shall be sent only once by RAN-Sim. We don't cover cases of alarm message getting "lost".
Though the alarm itself shall contain sufficient information for triggering OOF, we shall not make updates to CPS based on it. CPS updates for neighbor list changes shall be done only by SDN-R and only upon reception of CM-Notify and a Control Loop message from Policy.
Updated FM message
"sourceName":"Chn0025", //denotes the cell experiencing the issue, this can continue to be the same
"startEpochMicrosec":1451772223000000, // denotes the start time of the problem, can be same until issue is resolved.
"lastEpochMicrosec":1451772403000000, // indicates the current event time. This value will be updated for each subsequent event for a given fault, hence updated each time.
"eventCategory: "PCICollision" (or) "PCIConfusion",
"specificProblem”: “<Cell-id(s) of the cell(s) causing the problem, separated by commas>”
"eventSeverity":"CRITICAL", //NORMAL for clearing
"collisions":"1",//This is not needed now
Enhancement | Impact details |
Use the above updated layout for further processing |
Note: To be checked if VES 7.2 spec shall be used (and any impacts due to using it). |
Send 1 alarm for each collision/confusion |
Send 1 alarm clear message for each collision/confusion getting cleared (eventSeverity: NORMAL) |