2021-03-18 Doc project meeting

2021-03-18 Doc project meeting


@Andreas Geißler @Thomas Kulik @Eric Debeau @Andrea Visnyei @Sofia Wallin @Gervais-Martial Ngueko @Timo Perala

Topics, Notes, Status and Follow-Up Tasks


Notes / Status / Follow-up


Notes / Status / Follow-up

cleaning up old patches

Eric brought up that have a couple of old patches. He will add a comment asking if we can abandon them

Slack channel for doc

Done! Email sent to tech discuss

PTL election

@Thomas Kulikvolunteer to step up as Doc PTL - GREAT NEWS! Prerequisites nominate Thomas to committer (this should have been done long ago) then @Sofia Wallin will create a voting patch for PTL.

Objectives for Honolulu (and onwards)

Jira ticket walkthrough,

type key summary assignee reporter priority status resolution created updated due

Invite Jessica to the next meeting for discussion around enabling voting jobs for warnings.

Guilin Maintenance Release 

All done for the doc project (date in the release note might need to be updated). Still lacking some project updates

Architecture documentation 

For future collaboration and facilitation we will ask for a time slot in the arch subcommittee meeting to inform and educate how to work with docs.


Documentation tracking @Thomas Kulik

@David McBride will join to discuss this further. 

Active projects vs maintenance projects. 

Update "Documentation improvements for end to end usage of ONAP"

@Aarna Networks

@Sofia Wallin to respond to Brandon and ask for a call 

Link management in RTD @Eric Debeau

Many links ara managed in RTD

  • local links within a repo

  • inter-project links using inter-links from sphinx

  • links to code repo

  • external links to web sites

There is a problem when a documentation linkes to a repo => the branc is not indicated. As result, the link points to the latest release

Propostion to provide guidelines to be then presented for PTL

Many links are broken => need to include a test in JJB and provide information about broken links

Feedback has been given, positive output. Next step, bring to PTL 

Sill required from the project to test