Configuration Persistence Service, Honolulu R8, Architecture review

Configuration Persistence Service, Honolulu R8, Architecture review

1- Brief Project Overview (brief as it should be known)

Stores run-time configuration and operational data used by platform components and plug-ins. It provides

RunTime data repository for configuration and operational data.
xNF data is available to any ONAP component via CPS-E-05 (xNF data access).
Component data is available to data owner and with permission to other ONAP components
It is a common services Data layer architecture.
Can sync data with xNFs and sync xNF presence with A&AI.
Temporal data storage and access
Enables: OSS configuration; optimization; LCM operations.
Can be used for: xNF crash restoration; history management; auditing

2- New component capabilities for Honolulu-R8, i.e. the functional enhancements, if applicable

Add remove YANG model

Persist data

CRUD data compliant to YANG model

Forward CUD operations to SDNC

3- New or modified interfaces

All new, see section 8

4- If they are modified, are they backwards compatible?

Not Applicable

6- Interface naming (point to an example)

ARC Configuration Persistence Service (CPS) Component Description - Honolulu-R8

7- Consumed API from other projects

Interface Name

Purpose Reason For Use

API Spec (Swagger)

Honolulu status


This interface is used to receive the service and resource artifacts (CSAR Package) from SDC.

This allows the C&PS DB to process the design-time Yang model artifacts onboarded.


(1) ONBOARDING - A vendor onboards artifacts describing the parameters supported for their PNFs and VNFs in xNF Package.

(2) SDC CATALOG - The onboarded artifacts are stored in the SDC Catalog after onboarding and validated (VNF-SDK).

(3) CSAR DISTRIBUTION - The contents of the artifacts are distributed by SDC in a CSAR package onto the DMaaP bus.

(4) SETTING UP CPS - S/W to setup the CPS using the content of the CSAR package consumes the SDC CSAR Package.

Not used. xNF model will be fixed (local files) in the Honolulu time-frame


This interface is used to automatically add/remove xNF data from CPS in line with xNF presence in AAI

Not used. xNF presence will be fixed (local files)


This interface is used to read and update data on the xNF

Reading will not be used. Initial state will be fixed (local files) in Honolulu.

Writing will be used.

8- Published API

ARC Configuration Persistence Service (CPS) Component Description - Honolulu-R8

9- Reference to the interfaces.

(Reference to the the swagger.json file(s) whenever possible)

10- What are the system limits?

Not yet available

11- Involved use cases, architectural capabilities or functional requirements.

E2E Network Slicing

SON-PCI (Stretch)

12- Listing of new or impacted models used by the project (for information only).

  • Identify any High Level Information Model Requirements.   See: ONAP R7 Modeling High Level Requirements

    • Models based on information exchanges from Use Cases

    • Models documenting existing implementations

    • Forward looking models that may be implemented in future releases

  • Describe how exposed APIs are mapped to information models

(list all the relevant Jira tickets)

13-Test plan/Testing Strategy

  1. Unit Testing

  2. Dev-to-Dev Testing  and

  3. Integration

CPS Persistence layer (semi-integration) testing

Groovy & Spock Test Code Conventions

Contribution and Development#CodeRequirements

Integration test strategy to be done.

14- Any other details that are specific to this functional enhancement or UseCase.