ONAP Service IM Minutes 20201216

ONAP Service IM Minutes 20201216

Change to Wed UTC: 12:00 / China 20:00  / Eastern: 07:00 (Happen every other week) from Nov. 18th

https://zoom.us/j/99340453185, passcode: 654833. Or click 



@guochuyi @Andy Mayer @Xu Yang @Fei Zhang (Ericsson) @Timo Perala @Fernando Oliveira


  1. ETSI Network Service for 5G Network Slicing
    ETSI Network Service for 5G Network Slicing

  2. Allotted Resource relationship/ CST and Service profile relationship in Network Slicing
    Allotted Resource for Network Slicing
    Allotted Resource Revised for Network Slicing


  1. Agenda Bashing
    No update for both topics, so we receive questions for current proposals and E2E Network Slicing case modeling. 

  2. ETSI Network Service for 5G Network Slicing

    1. Policy mentioned in this proposal is for service availability at network service level, about scaling or handling specific events on subnet that may be used for some reconfiguration. The policy may be further extended for other functionalities, need investigation to know.

    2. How to model FH and MH, should it be described at service level or be described as element connectivities? ETSI doesn't have certain content about this part, there can be a proposal to ETSI on how to support transport and the impact on NFVO or other components.

  3. R8 Modeling work for E2E Network Slicing case

    1. R8 modeling for E2E Network Slicing case will not has major changes, no new nodes or templates may be introduced, works will focus on service profile and slice profile attributes mapping, and TN domain templates enhancement. Another aspect is for RAN and Core configuration.

  4. Next meeting will be Jan. 13th.

