Allotted Resource for Network Slicing

Allotted Resource for Network Slicing

Network Slicing Model implemented in Rel 7 MAPPING to Allotted Resource IM Proposal

The scope of this page is to explore the use of the Allotted Resource model at Design Time and Run Time in the context of the Network Slicing.

Service IM call 2020/08/19

To evaluate and evolve the porposed Allotted Resource IM in ONAP, we have been trying to map current network slicing implementation in Rel 7. 

Latest Network Slicing Model implementation is available in https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DW/Modeling+enhancements.

Following slides provide for discussion a couple of possible mapping options

AllottedResource and Network Slicing in Rel 7.pptx

(Slides have been discussed during Service IM call 2020/08/19, following actions has been identified:

1) Extend mapping proposal with Run time model (Michela, Chyi)

2) Provide a network slicing example for further clarification (Michela, Chyi)

3) Evaluate further current Allotted Resource Model when applied to Resource instead of Service (as Slicing).  It could be good have a similar mapping between Use Cases implemented in ONAP and the proposed ONAP IM (Andy)

Service IM call 2020/09/02


Proposed IM updating with Allocated Resource 

E2E Network Slicing Examples

ONAP Rel Frankfurt

ONAP Rel Guilin


Analysis is based on  Presentationand  User Operation Guidance for E2E Network Slicing Use case, from LIN MENGSwaminathan SChuanyu Chen during the LFNetworking virtual Event in April 2020 (https://wiki.lfnetworking.org/display/LN/2020+April+Technical+Event+Schedule) about ONAP Rel Frankfurt.



1) CST chain of objects and NST chain do not have any relation at DT. 

  • Alloted resource is used to express the open relations that shall be closed at Run Time. 

2) The VF:NSTAR is defined as an VF of categoy allotted Resource (see step 3) and it is composed by the Allotted Resource v1.0 template. 

Allotted Resource v1.0 is a default template already present in ONAP SDC, it is NOT an object created by a user.

3) Analyzing the ServiceProfile TOSCA descriptor, allottedresource_providing_service_uuid and allottedresource_providing_service_inviariant_uuid are defined as input parameters. 

The operator at, service instantiation time needs to provide the type of service (the service type uuids)  is expected to be associated to the CST and Service Profile service 

4) Analyzing the node template and node types defined in the TOSCA descriptors   

  • Allotted Resource 0 is of type org.openecomp.resource.vfc.AllottedResource,

    • used for substitution mapping of org.openecomp.resource.vf.Nstar

    • org.openecomp.resource.vfc.AllottedResource derived from org.openecomp.tosca.nodes.Root

  • NSTAR 0 is of type resource.vf.NStar,

    • used for substitution mapping of org.openecomp.service.ServiceProfile

    • org.openecomp.resource.vf.Nstar derived from org.openecomp.resource.abstract.nodes.VF

    • service.ServiceProfile is derived from resource.abstract.nodes.services

Additional Reference Material :

Design Service Templates


Additional Reference Material: 

Rel 6:

1) A&AI Impacts


Only relevant slides for the modeling discussion have been capture in the next pages.

Design EmbbCn Service Template

Design EmbbNst Service Template

Design Allotted Resource

Observation #1: The VF:NSTAR is defined as an allotted Resource (see step 3) and it is composed by the Allotted Resource v1.0 template. 

Allotted Resource v1.0 is a default template already present in ONAP SDC, it is NOT an object created by a user.

Question #1 : Are the providing_service_uuids (variant and invariant) defined at DT  ?

Answer: Providing_service_invariant_uuid and providing_service_uuid are declared input paramenters in SDC but NOT filled in at DT, which will be filled in the runtime with the selected NST service invariant id and service id.

CST and NST has NO relation at Design Time

Design Service Profile Template

Question #2 : Are the allottedresource_providing_service_uuids (variant and invariant) defined at DT  ?

Answer:  allottedresource_providing_service_uuids

Question #3:  the fact that for the realization of a CST, it will be required a NST at run time, it seems it is NOT indicated at Design Time so I was wondering where it will be indicated to ensure the orchestrator will look for a NST instead of ANY other type of object (i.e. a NSST or a generic Service or even a Resource). 

Question #4: I was also trying to prepare a similar representation from a resource/service instances prospective. Do you have any picture you can share ?

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