2020-12-11 Meeting Notes
Date: Dec 11, 2020
@Swaminathan Seetharaman
@Dilip Krishnaswamy
@Junfeng Wang
@Kamel Idir
@Ruslan Kashapov (Deactivated)
@krishna moorthy
@Niranjana Y
@Niamh Core
Notes and Actions
Honolulu release contents and dependencies were discussed - new yang models, support of VES 7.2, CPS (instead of Config DB).
Krishna had presented a draft proposal for the API mapper service at the CPS call earlier today. Based on comments/inputs received, the proposal shall be updated.
Sandeep to check if the Network Slicing yang models will also cover the needs of SON use case.
Swami/Shankar to follow-up reg. the availability and usability of O-RAN yang models.
Swami to check with Vijay (DCAE PTL) reg. VES 7.2 support in ONAP (DCAE VES Collector) for CM-Notify in Honolulu.
Sandeep to check the impacts to support VES 7.2.