ONAP Service IM Minutes 20201118

ONAP Service IM Minutes 20201118

Change to Wed UTC: 12:00 / China 20:00  / Eastern: 07:00 (Happen every other week) from Nov. 18th

https://zoom.us/j/99340453185, passcode: 654833. Or click 



@guochuyi @Michela Bevilacqua @Fei Zhang (Ericsson) @Xu Yang @Byung-Woo Jun @Jacqueline Beaulac [Ericsson]


  1. ETSI Network Service for 5G Network Slicing
    ETSI Network Service for 5G Network Slicing

  2. ETSI NSD IM Update
    ETSI IFA014 v2.7.1 NetworkServiceDescriptor integration into ONAP IM

  3. Allotted Resource relationship in Network Slicing
    Allotted Resource for Network Slicing


  1. ETSI Network Service for 5G Network Slicing
    Postpone to have a discussion next time.

  2. ETSI NSD IM Update
    Fred and Byung will discuss to decide the supporting scope of NSD in H release, the wiki page may be updated to show the plan later.

  3. Allotted Resource relationship in Network Slicing

    1. Do we need multiple CSTs to support the scenario when only 1 or 2 subnet domain slice profiles are needed?
      Chuyi said we don't need  multiple CSTs, you can add new attributes if current CST can't satisfy the requirements description. We don't need to change the template relationships, but can leave the slice profile values empty in the case they are not needed.

