April 17 (Copy)

April 17 (Copy)

  • Face-to-face update

    • OpenStack is trying to find a room for us.  Logistics should be available this week.

•For those who plan to attend the Summit or plan for a whole week stay we have a ticket + hotel package and they can also find a 4-day hotel-only option to book on Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/openstack-summit-may-2018-vancouver-tickets-40845826968?aff=YVRSummit2018#tickets

•If someone plans to come for a shorter period they can look up the Summit hotel options and book their stay to match their travel dates; the list of hotels is here: https://www.openstack.org/summit/vancouver-2018/travel/

•Please note that the discounted rates are expiring throughout this month.

  • Tiger Team update (Parviz)

    • Discussion about current status and next steps

    • We will do a deep-dive on microservices/service mesh on next week's call (Ramki/Wenjing/Huabing/Manoj)

  • API versioning (Greg/Dana)

    • Interest in the proposal from the ARC

    • Requested that the team consider service discovery and how components will interact with the APIs

Recording: zoom_0.mp4

Audio Only: audio_only.m4a