Common Model Glossary Review Comments

Common Model Glossary Review Comments

This is the page to collect comments and feedback for common model glossary document.

The document could be found in the parent page, or here: https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/download/attachments/16395413/CommonGlossary-2019-11-26-061437.docx?version=1&modificationDate=1584959746000&api=v2

Please provide your comments in the following table:



Proposed Resolution




Proposed Resolution



#1 @My Name: Comment ABC

Resolution XYZ


#1 @Michela Bevilacqua a number of classes are present in the glossary but no definition is associated to

e.g.BusinessInteractionItemRelationship, ConfigRelationship, ConfigSpecRelationship, ConfigurationInstance, ConfigurationSpecification, ResourceConfigurationDescriptor, ResourceConfigurationInstance, ServiceConfigurationDescriptor, ServiceConfigurationInstance

I would reccomend to remove any Classes in the document that does not have a description session


#2 @Michela Bevilacqua some classes are not providing a description but just some indication not relvent in the context of a glossary



This class is abstract.

Remove any class that does not have a description session


#3 @Michela Bevilacqua :"classes" word is repeated multiple times in the doc

Remove "classes" word

 Use of acronym

 #4@Michela Bevilacqua : descriptions include too many acronym not defined in the glossary.


The VirtualLinkProfile class specifies a profile for instantiating VLs of a particular NS DF according to a specific VLD and VL DF.

Remove the use of acronym or add an acronym definition session


#5: @Michela Bevilacqua .enumeration as well as data types definitions introduced some "strange" section numbering

Remove section numbering for enumerated


 #6: @Michela Bevilacqua enumeration description has is provided on multiple rows instead of a single row.

 Align enumeration description with class description format and size

Ip version

 #7: @Michela Bevilacqua : we have repetation in the definition between description and contains enumeration literals keyword.        IpVersion enumeration


Specifies IP version of this L3 protocol.


  • IPV4.

  • IPV6.

Contains Enumeration Literals:

  • IPV4

  • IPV6

Remove repetation

 uuid type


#8: @Michela Bevilacqua : can we review this description ? I believe there is some required reviewed         Uuid primitive type


type string {


'[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}'; }

A Universally Unique IDentifier in the string representation defined in RFC 4122. The canonical representation uses lowercase characters.

The following is an example of a UUID in string representation: f81d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6 ";


"RFC 4122: A Universally Unique IDentifier (UUID) URN Namespace"

 Review , in particular, &apos and &quot


       Uri primitive type

 #9: @Michela Bevilacqua ,same problem as #8


clarify STD 66.



 #11: @Michela Bevilacqua : The Readiblity of this doc is very poor. Classes are grouped together but  it is difficult to understand grouping and look for a specific concept in the glossary. We could explore some options to increase readibility:

The split in multiple files in my view is only increasing the problems in terms of readibility.

 Explore options for readibility improvment.


1) order definition in the glossary using an alphabetical order or

2)  introduce some picture grouping concepts.