BBS Meeting Notes (Frankfurt)

BBS Meeting Notes (Frankfurt)

[ 1 2020.04.28 ] [ 2 2020.04.21 ] [ 3 2020.04.14 ] [ 4 2020.04.07 ] [ 5 2020.03.31 ] [ 6 2020.03.24 (no meeting) ] [ 7 2020.03.17 ] [ 8 2020.03.10 ] [ 9 2020.03.03 ] [ 10 2020.02.25 ] [ 11 2020.02.18 ] [ 12 2020.02.11 ] [ 13 2020.02.04 ] [ 14 2020.01.28 ]



  • No meeting. LFN Technical Event

  • Update: Setting up ONAP RC0 in Swisscom lab for BBS integration testing before RC1


  • No meeting

  • Waiting on RC0 in order to start E2E integration testing in the labs


  • No meeting

  • Waiting on RC0 in order to start E2E integration testing in the labs



  • Issues with bbs-ep blueprint and jenkins job

- Policy


- Integration testing

- Documentation 

2020.03.24 (no meeting)


- Policy


  • Updated SDNC DGs (https://gitlab.com/onap-bbs/bbs-sdnc-dg)

  • New errors in Swisscom lab when storing AccessConnectivity and InternetProfile in AAI 20200318_sdnc-karaf.log.zip

    • @Rahul Tamrkar  any update?

  • The JSON payload of the createInternetProfile API call towards the Edge SDN M&C needs to have s/c-vlan values as int and not string

- Integration Testing



  • @Stavros Kanarakis status update: bbs-event-processor.

    • Working on blueprints, not a blocking issue for testing. To be finished before RC0.

- Policy

  • @Former user (Deleted) status update? error handling in bbs APEX policy 


  • Decision on SDNC DGs and metadata ownership: https://groups.io/g/onap-bbs/message/677

    • C/S-VLAN: as explained by Tim during the call, there might be different interpretations for C/S-VLAN depending on where in the network are being used. We can differentiate between:

      • 1) C-VLAN between the ONT-NNI and OLT UNI (access-uni-cvlan)

      • 2) S/C-VLAN on the OLT-NNI side (access-nni-cvlan, access-nni-svlan)

      • 3) S/C-VLAN on the BNG UNI side (edge-nni-cvlan, edge-nni-svlan)

    • In BBS Frankfurt, we don't work with case 1), and assume that cases 2) and 3) have the same value. In future, if we want to align with BBF's WT-411, we may need to add the 3 cases to service metadata and differentiate between access-uni-cvlan, access-nni-cvlan, access-nni-svlan, edge-nni-cvlan, edge-nni-svlan.

    • The VLAN values that we store in AAI (svlan, cvlan) are the ones of edge-nni-cvlan, edge-nni-svlan, and they are used as an input when creating the InternetProfile resource

  • Repository in gitlab for SDNC DG https://gitlab.com/onap-bbs/bbs-sdnc-dg , need to add latest version of DGs

  • @Rahul Tamrkar Status update Huawei DGs ?

- Integration testing

  • Lab presence may be restricted due to COVID-19, testing could be limited

  • Remote access is still working

  • Installation of ONAP master is ongoing in parallel to current ElAlto release

  • 2: Frankfurt Release Integration Testing Status

  • Need to clarify whether RC0 will also be delayed


- ExtAPI


  • Issue with Jenkins job, not a blocking issue

  • Blueprint for cloudify can be provided after M4

  • Basic testing is done, no errors

  • New version of k8s plugin needed v1.7.2 in swisscom lab

- SO

- Policy

  • to improve exception handling when accessConnectivity creation fails

- Integration Testing

  • Pnf relocation testing in Swisscom lab. Some issues need to be solved before the next test round (see https://groups.io/g/onap-bbs/message/665):

    • Issues with VES event not reaching ONAP (to be checked in DMaaP logs. Events may be dropped somewhere else, e.g. RESTCONF collector, VES mapper)

    • Issue with InternetProfile creation -> need to change SDNC DG, string to int for c/s-vlan (SDNC)

    • Issue writing metadatum (SDNC) -> to be further investigated 


- ExtAPI


  • New logs 20200227_pnf_relocation_2.zip

  • @Prakash E  to implement logic to handle service instance metadata in Huawei DGs during next week. See https://open.rocket.chat/channel/onap-bbs-public?msg=dnbZ4sAp5RxsN5fd6 

    • CreateAccessConnectivity DG already contains the logic to create service instance metadata. No change needed

    • DeleteAccessConnectivity DG needs to implement the deletion of service instance metadata related to AccessConnectivity (check code of CreateAccessConnectivity DG to fetch the list of metadata to be deleted)

    • CreateInternetProfile DG already contains the logic to create service instance metadata. No change needed

    • ChangeInternetProfile DG needs to implement the deletion of service instance metadata related to InternetProfile and the creation of the service instance metadata related to InternetProfile with the new values.

    • DeleteInternetProfile DG needs to implement the deletion of service instance metadata related to InternetProfile (check code of CreateInternetProfile DG to fetch the list of metadata to be deleted)

    • Remove Access SDN M&C credentials from sdnc log file when creating or deleting the AccessConnectivity resource

    • NEW: use 'int' and not 'string' for c/s vlan in json payload when creating/modifying the internetProfile instance


- SO


- Policy

  • @Former user (Deleted)  to improve exception handling when accessConnectivity creation fails

- Integration testing

  • @Morgan Richomme to initiate the process to get a dedicated repo for the BBS use case artefacts (DGs, policy, service model...)

  • Setting up master branch in Swisscom Lab after M4

  • UNH-IOL lab is also available for BBS testing. Will coordinate the ONAP setup after M4 with @Lincoln Lavoie

  • @dbalsige @David Perez Caparros  to run E2E tests with real ONT/OLT devices in Swisscom lab

  • @David Perez Caparros to review the use case documentation by M4. See https://lists.onap.org/g/onap-discuss/message/20159



- ExtAPI


- SO


- Policy

  • Onboarded using new APEX framework, working ok

- Integration testing




  • Missing remote_id value in bbs-access-connectivity-create.json. Change committed: https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/browse/SDNC-1021

  • Error sending the request: Exception while posting http request to client javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target

    Solved https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/browse/SDNC-179

    kubectl exec -ti dev-sdnc-sdnc-0 -n onap -- bash openssl s_client -connect # copy server certificate and paste in /tmp/<CA_CERT_NAME>.crt sudo keytool -importcert -file /tmp/<CA_CERT_NAME>.crt -alias <CA_CERT_NAME>_key -keystore truststore.onap.client.jks -storepass adminadmin keytool -list -keystore truststore.onap.client.jks -storepass adminadmin | grep <CA_CERT_NAME>

- SO


  • Testing ongoing

  • Additional tests needed after SDK update

- Policy

  • New BBS apex policy successfully tested with CPE Authentication

  • Policy version will be updated to 1.0.2

  • PNF relocation will be tested later, after the new issue with PRH is solved

  • New policy models will be uploaded to https://gitlab.com/onap-bbs/bbs-apex-policy  

- Integration testing

  • Successful service creation20200216_bbs_service_logs.zip

  • PNF relocation fails in PRH:

    • org.onap.dcaegen2.services.prh.tasks.ScheduledTasks |2020-02-18T10:34:46.476Z |WARN |Chain of tasks have been aborted due to errors in PRH workflow | |org.onap.dcaegen2.services.sdk.rest.services.adapters.http.exceptions.HttpException: Request failed for URL 'https://aai.onap.svc.cluster.local:8443/aai/v12/network/pnfs/pnf/business/customers/customer/f94c7606-31ef-4aef-8305-4a3cdc32ae18/service-subscriptions/service-subscription/BBS E2E Service/service-instances/service-instance/9e71a477-7d70-4027-ad39-fdeaad485cb5'. Response code: 400 Bad Request

  • ONAP demo vs dedicated BBS use case repository. See https://lists.onap.org/g/onap-discuss/message/19997 

  • Testing in UNH-IOL with Nokia equipment/controller 

Action Items

@Madhukar Shetty @David Perez Caparros to collect logs after PNF relocation testing to further develop the SDNC DGs
@David Perez Caparros to investigate how to simplify the use case configuration in SO (too many manual steps)
@Stavros Kanarakis to clarify the additional tests required for bbs-ep in DCAE team
@Prakash E @Stavros Kanarakis to commit SDNC DGs after testing of PNF relocation and service creation/deletion is completed
@David Perez Caparros to clarify UNH-IOL lab availability for testing, before/after M4?
@David Perez Caparros to follow up on the creation of the integration/usecase/bbs repository for BBS specific code/models




  • Installed the modified vnf-topology-operation DG, which includes the CreateAccessConnectivityInstance action, provided by@Ravi Prakash : mod_vnf-topology-dgs.zip

- SO

  • So far, the PNF registration timeout cannot be reproduced (https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/browse/SO-2608)

  • Error in CreateSDNCNetworkResource recipe. Log file: so-debug.log

    2020-02-11T08:14:04.440Z||o.o.s.b.infrastructure.scripts.DoCreateResources - Now we deal with resource:CPE ... 2020-02-11T08:14:26.921Z|a3794ca2-27c2-4d53-b0d6-76bdf20695c1|org.onap.so.bpmn.core.json.JsonUtils - getJsonValue(): the raw value is a String Object={"ont_ont_serial_num":"HWTC02FF269D","edgeinternetprofile_ip_rg_mac_addr":"54:04:a6:38:12:9d","edgeinternetprofile_ip_downstream_speed":"5","ont_ont_mac_addr":"54:04:a6:38:12:9d","ont_ont_swVersion":"1.0.0","ont_ont_manufacturer":"HUAWEI","cvlan":"113","edgeinternetprofile_ip_upstream_speed":"5","edgeinternetprofile_ip_remote_id":"1000:113","edgeinternetprofile_ip_service_type":"BBS_E2E_Service","svlan":"1000","ont_ont_pnf_name":"Huawei-HWTC02FF269D","ont_ont_nf_type":"HN8255WS"} 2020-02-11T08:14:26.922Z|a3794ca2-27c2-4d53-b0d6-76bdf20695c1|o.o.s.b.i.scripts.CreateSDNCNetworkResource - Enter getPnfInstance 2020-02-11T08:14:26.924Z|a3794ca2-27c2-4d53-b0d6-76bdf20695c1|org.camunda.bpm.engine.context - ENGINE-16006 BPMN Stack Trace: Task_1mbzgl7 (activity-execute, ProcessInstance[8507e2aa-4ca6-11ea-87e1-1ab35642b2b6]) Task_1mbzgl7, name=Update resource input ^ | Task_13sx2bp, name=Pre Process Request ^ | Task_1dlrfiw, name=Set the Recipe DesignTimeParam ^ | createNS_StartEvent, name=createNS_StartEvent 2020-02-11T08:14:26.925Z|a3794ca2-27c2-4d53-b0d6-76bdf20695c1|org.camunda.bpm.engine.context - ENGINE-16004 Exception while closing command context: Unable to evaluate script while executing activity 'Task_1mbzgl7' in the process definition with id 'CreateSDNCNetworkResource:2:245a1b12-4c54-11ea-87e1-1ab35642b2b6': org.onap.so.client.graphinventory.exceptions.IncorrectNumberOfUriKeys: Expected 0 variables: []

  • Modified the CreateSDNCNetworkResource.groovy to include the right resource names in Swisscom lab:

    switch (modelName) { case ~/[\w\s\W]*OLT[\w\s\W]*/ : case ~/[\w\s\W]*AccessConnectivity[\w\s\W]*/ : ... break ... case ~/[\w\s\W]*EdgeInternetProfile[\w\s\W]*/ : case ~/[\w\s\W]*InternetProfile[\w\s\W]*/ : ... break

- DCAE update

  • SDK upgrade ongoing

  • Unit tests OK

  • Next: Integration-tests (CSIT)

  • ToDo: new documentation (readthedocs Frankfurt)

- Policy update

  • testing session needed

- Integration testing update

Action items

@Stavros Kanarakis @Prakash E @David Perez Caparros to check error when updating service instance metadata for AccessConnectivity and add to InternetProfile section
@Stavros Kanarakis @Madhukar Shetty @Prakash E to coordinate merge of Nokia and Huawei changes into SDNC DG vnf-topology-operation and commit code to ONAP's SDNC repo
@Stavros Kanarakis @Former user (Deleted) to coordinate on application.clversion expected by APEX policy and update default bbs-ep default config accordingly
@Former user (Deleted)  @Stavros Kanarakis @David Perez Caparros to test the latest APEX policy in swisscom lab



- Swisscom lab:

  • ONAP ElAlto is up again

- New SDNC DG:

  • https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/browse/SDNC-1021

  • Ran 1st test of new DGs in Swisscom lab

  • Feedback from @Prakash E: SO is triggering vnf-topology-operation DG with svc-action as "create" and request-action as "createnetworkinstance". Since request-action "createnetworkinstance" is not present in vnf-topology-operation, it's returned without calling any corresponding BBS DGs 

  • We may need changes in the SO BPMN recipe "CreateSDNCNetworkResource" or in the vnf-topology-operation SDNC DG

- SO:


- Policy:

Action items:

@Stavros Kanarakis and @Prakash E to check the feasibility of adding the request-action "createnetworkinstance" to vnf-topology-operation DG. Otherwise, we need to propose a modification of the CreateSDNCNetworkResource BPMN in SO
@David Perez Caparros to double check whether the PNF READY timeout issue is still happening and if so, provide feedback in SO-2608
@David Perez Caparros to get an update on SO-2609 and SO-2611
@dbalsige and @David Perez Caparros to test the Access SDN M&C + OLT + ONT setup in Swisscom lab



- New SDNC DG:

- Issues SO:

- Issues DCAE

  • @Stavros Kanarakis to create JIRA tasks related to BBS-ep

- Integration testing

  • No recommendation on which library/framework to use for a mock 3rd party controller from the Integration team

  • We can start with our BBS's edge controller implementation and evaluate the option to make it generic and use it for Access. The mock should reply to CRUD calls coming from SDNC (AccessConnectivity, InternetProfile) and generate VES events (PNF registration, CPE authentication).

    • @Tim Carey to draft a proposal including CDS for 3rd party controllers in March (not for Frankfurt)

  • Lab in UNH-IOL. No update for now