[portal-platform] 01-15-2020 portal weekly meeting
@Lorraine A. Welch, @Leimeng Shi , @Dominik Mizyn
When: Occurs every Wednesday from 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM. (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Where: https://zoom.us/j/895776501
progress of Angular UNIT test cases - need to edit the pom files for angular (Lorraine sent email last week)
https://nexus3.onap.org/#browse/search=keyword%3Dportal - how do we get the portal-BE there - read https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DW/Independent+Versioning+and+Release+Process
SDC-2684Service Design and Creation - Update to Portal SDK v2.6 - SDC needs help https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DW/Portal+SDK+usage - we need to document the changes if they are not already; if they are, where is it documented? - Sunder is willing to have a working call with Ofir to work this issue.
Leimeng will send email to AAI to see if they need help upgrading to SDK 2.6.0
https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DW/OOM+NodePort+List for port info - create Jira ticket in OOM if you need a port; it was asked why are there so many ports listed for portal, in checking oom I see in:[oom.git] / kubernetes / portal / charts / portal-app / values.yaml that several are due to the loadbalancer:
19 global:
20 nodePortPrefix: 302
53 service:
54 type: LoadBalancer
55 name: portal-app
56 portName: portal-app
57 externalPort: 8989
58 internalPort: 8080
59 nodePort: 15
60 externalPort2: 8006
61 internalPort2: 8005
62 nodePort2: 13
63 externalPort3: 8010
64 internalPort3: 8009
65 nodePort3: 14
66 externalPort4: 8443
67 internalPort4: 8443
68 nodePort4: 25
Wind River is UP: The WindRiver lab that we used so far for ONAP testing has been moved to a new location, so we need to change the IP address in the ovpn file from to Please upload the ovpn file again into your ovpn client to make changes effective. Your ovpn client may ask you to reinsert your username and password, you should have them in the original configuration package that Stephen Gooch sent you when you were granted access to the Intel VPN.
It was reported by Dominik that using Java 11 did not work due to the Jenkins job; To move to Java 11 in Frankfurt the Jenkins processes need to be upgraded.
Please take a look at this example review for your ci-management jobs to work with JDK 11, need to add a field to specify using Java 11 as 8 is default.
- our junit tests would not work if we upgrade right now, we need time and resources to upgrade; sdk also fails to build; when integration with Portal-BE happens we can work on migrating all parts to java 11.
Portal high and highest bugs:
Security Vulnerability going forward need to be addressed by creating Jira tickets in the backlog and as time permits developers should make the upgrades
Dec 18 2019:
Sonar coverage stats: The reports will now be posted under: https://sonarcloud.io/organizations/onap/projects
David McBride - Check components upgrading to SDK 2.0. Make sure they have a plan and resources for integration testing , to be completed by M2/M3. _ Leimeng action item
Dominik - Java upgrade, suggesting to upgrade new Portal-BE only, check to see other components use of JJB job for this - Lorraine to check what needs to be done in the Jenkins
Sireesh - will be starting, first manually, after 20th auto. Dominik tests can be put in the same place
Code coverage
Invited Krzysztof to discuss Portal-780, a short meeting will be held after the portal team meeting to discuss this. - Meeting was held and there is a plan to move to a new methodolgy to be defined in OOM, this will include passwords and certificates.
It was reported by Dominik that using Java 11 did not work due to the Jenkins job; Lorraine will find out the plan within ONAP, whether ONAP is moving to Java 11 in Frankfurt and if so the Jenkins processes need to be upgraded.
Find out about WindRiver instances for testing. Are Frankfurt instance running in WindRiver now and is there an instance where we can
specifically deploy the images we want to test (is this the instance that uses the override yml file or is there another?) - Lorraine to find out
We need to start tracking the percent of code coverage.
There is a plan in ONAP to SonarCloud migration from SonarQube
Timeline of events
To prevent dependency issues, this migration is planned to happen in 2 stages.
Stage 1 will use hardcoded sonar goals to the needed plugin version to avoid waiting on dependencies from where this can be inherited.
Stage 2 will be a cleanup stage and work towards fixing the plugin in the dependencies like oparent and slowly migrate teams to it while removing hardcoded sonar goals.12/3/19
to read more see: https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DW/SonarCloud+migration+from+SonarQube
https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/browse/PORTAL-778Document current upgrade component strategy - assigned to MANOOP - on vacation
https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/browse/PORTAL-779Validate that SECCOM Comp Analysis and Vulnerability Tables are up to date - assigned to Lorraine
https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/browse/PORTAL-780SECCOM Password removal from OOM HELM charts - reassigned to Dominik Mizyn
PORTAL-781: SECCOM HTTPS communication vs. HTTPIn ProgressSECCOM HTTPS communication vs. HTTP - assigned to Dasari Anusha
Arundathi: can participate testing (junit test - sonar coverage reach 55+ by M4, which is Feb 20, 2020) PORTAL-416: Need to add junit testcase filesClosed she started ; for the angular code ask Sunder ask where it is; is it committed to gerrit ? Lorraine will send an email to him.
Anusha: HTTP to HTTPS tasks - PORTAL-781: SECCOM HTTPS communication vs. HTTPIn Progress; for external facing apps: portal-app and sdk; ask Sunder about the certificates needed.
Sireesh/Anusha/Deepansha will work on
- robot automation test PORTAL-782: make sure all Automated tests already written still workOpen PORTAL-783: Create new robot framework tests for new screensOpenLeimeng - to check sdk version used in AAI, U-UI, MSB with PTLs? Portal SDK usage
Sunder - asked all team to be able to access Wind river environment; send access instructions - send email to Gooch, Stephen <stephen.gooch@windriver.com> and ask for access to windriver for ONAP Portal testing.
Dominik will make junit tests; database changes need to be made first.
Sunder - Can we switch to Java 11 for entire Portal and SDK? Otherwise Dominik cannot move further with two different versions of Java in workspace.
New version of sdk 3.0.0 will be released in Frankfurt (with major upgrades to Angular and Springboot).
will be available in Frankfurt - components can upgrade in later releases.
Dominik to propose the new docker Portal-BE to fit in the portal helm charts. He created docker-compose file - how does it fit with helm charts; contact Lorraine to discuss.
Frankfurt release draft requirements review - Requirements for Frankfurt - road map
Documentation on Robot test needed; now UI tests only, 2 or 3 tests for BE
Track the Frankfurt checklist tasks -
Highest and High Defects:
OJSI Tickets:
All portal high or highest bugs