RC2 Milestone Checklist Template - VNFRQTS

RC2 Milestone Checklist Template - VNFRQTS

The following items are expected to be completed for the project to Pass the Release Candidate Milestone.

This template must be filled out for every Release Candidate Milestone (RC0, 1, 2, x)

RC Release Candidate Milestone overview is available in wiki.

Practice Area




How to?

Practice Area




How to?

Product Management

Are all tasks associated with the release been marked as "Closed" in Jira?


Link to Jira

type key summary assignee reporter priority status resolution created updated due

Have all findings from previous milestones been addressed?


Provide link to JIRA findings


Have all Defects of priority Highest and High been in status "Closed" in Jira?


Provide link to JIRA issue (type bug) of priority Highest and High. 

type key summary assignee reporter priority status resolution created updated due

Are all JIRA issues used as a reference in a commit in status "Closed" in Jira?


Very often, some JIRA issue remains in status "Todo" in JIRA while the commit they are referenced to is successful.

Is there any pending commit related to Highest and High priority issues older than 36 hours in Gerrit? In case there are messages going back and forth between authors and reviewers, it is acceptable to be above 36 hours.



Gerrit Query: status:open label:verified -is:draft -label:Code-Review=-1 AND -label:Code-Review=-2  AND is:mergeable age:1week

Are all the Jenkins jobs successfully passed (verify + merge jobs)?


Provide link to "Merge job" as evidence in Jenkins project tab


VNFRQTS is a documentation project

Has the project team reach the Automated Unit Test Code Coverage expectation? (Refer to artifacts available in Sonar)


Goal: 55% for Incubation project in the current release

VNFRQTS is a documentation project


Guidance on Code Coverage and Static Code Analysis

Tools: Sonar

Has the team delivered all their release artifacts in Nexus Release repo?

There should be at least ONE version of each artifacts available in Nexus Release repo.


VNFRQTS is a documentation project

Refer to Independent Versioning and Release Process for procedure

Check the certification expiry of your application. It should be valid for the next 9 months after RC0.


VNFRQTS is a documentation project

Integration and Testing

Have all CSIT Use Cases (created by each project team) passed?

It should include at least 1 CSIT that will be run on

Lab-xxx-OOM-Daily Jenkins Job


Provide link to evidence. As things are moving fast, we want to ensure CSIT are still "green".VNFRQTS is a documentation project

At RC0, has the Pair Wise testing table been filled out?


Integration Weather Board for Dublin Release

VNFRQTS is a documentation project

At RC0, have all OOM Release Healtcheck related to your project passed?


VNFRQTS is a documentation project

At RC0, is there a Docker image in Nexus Docker-Release repo available for each repository?


Provide link to evidence

VNFRQTS is a documentation project

Has the project code successfully passed the Daily Build process?


VNFRQTS is a documentation project

Goal is to ensure the latest project commit has not broken the Integration Daily Build 

Has the OOM deployment passed?


Ensure in Jenkins External Labs all Health Check pass.

VNFRQTS is a documentation project

Has the project passed the Integration Sanity Tests?


VNFRQTS is a documentation project

Integration sanity tests in Dublin Release cover:

  • ONAP deployment

  • All components health check

  • VNF onboarding and service creation for vFW use case

  • Model distribution for vFW

  • vFW instantiation

  • vFW closed loop

  • vFW deletion

No test failure reported on http://onapci.org/grafana/d/8cGRqBOmz/daily-summary?orgId=1

No Integration Blocking Issue with no workaround: Dublin Release Integration Test Blocking Issues


For RC0, does the project team has solved their JIRA Documentation Tickets?

If not, what are the risks?


JIRA Query (Bugs Only)

project != "Sandbox Project" AND project != "ONAP TSC" AND project != CI-Management AND (labels = Documentation OR project = Documentation) AND issuetype= Bug AND  fixversion = "Dublin Release" AND status != Closed ORDER BY issuetype DESC, fixVersion ASC, status DESC, priority DESC, updated DESC

For RC1, has the team addressed all the remaining Documentation JIRA tickets ?


JIRA Query

project != "Sandbox Project" AND project != "ONAP TSC" AND project != CI-Management AND (labels=Documentation OR project=Documentation) AND status != Closed ORDER BY fixVersion ASC, status DESC, priority DESC, updated DESC

For RC1, is the project prepared for the upcoming 'Ready to review'?


Documentation related patches should be reviewed by the documentation team to make sure everyone follows style guides.

For RC2, has the team addressed all the remaining Documentation JIRA tickets identified during the review?


JIRA Query

project != "Sandbox Project" AND project != "ONAP TSC" AND project != CI-Management AND (labels=Documentation OR project=Documentation) AND status != Closed ORDER BY fixVersion ASC, status DESC, priority DESC, updated DESC

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