Casablanca 3.0.2 retrospective

Casablanca 3.0.2 retrospective


@Former user (Deleted) @Kenny Paul  @Gervais-Martial Ngueko @Mandar Sawant

What went well?

DMaaP: cooperation between teams to get certificates

DMaaP: Brian F scanned the certificates for validity for the teams

CLAMP: limited scope helped create focus

CLAMP: the new certificate was correct from the start (just better timing as the 6 month cert issue had already been identified)

CLAMP: communication with RelEng

What need improvements?

DMaaP: First cert from AAF was only a 6 month expiry - expected 1 year duration

DMaaP: script was executed to check the scripts later and found the shortfall

DMaaP: Requirements for the cert changed AFTER the initial work (started at 6 months THEN moved to 12 months)

CLAMP: Should have caught the certif issue in Casablanca before 3.0.0 shipped OR 3.0.1

CLAMP: Shouldn't have to perform a release just for certificate expiration - should be another mechanism for update certs

CLAMP: Tagging - notification when to  tag was unclear

DMaaP: Certif is a part of the image - it should be a part of the configuration and not a part of the image (need OOM cooperation - K8s secrets?)

DMaaP: No obvious checklist for this type of release - it would be helpful to have something to guide the small release like this (eg. tagging images)

Ideas for next steps?

Checklist for small "dot" releases

Certificate as a part of the configuration and not a part of the component image

Checklist item for validating certificates has already been added