Defect Status for Dublin
Defect Status for Dublin
Integration Blocking Issues with No Workaround
Other Integration Issues Being Tracked
"High" and "Highest" defects for the Dublin release
ALL defects for the Dublin release
Cumulative Created vs Resolved over the last 15 days
This chart displays the cumulative created bugs (in red) versus the cumulative resolved Highest/High bugs (in green) over the last 15 days.
Ultimately, on the right side of the chart the green line should reach the red line - this indicates we've addressed all the "highest" and "high" priority defects in the release.
Recently Created Chart - Last 15 days
This chart is a derivative from the above “Created vs Resolved Chart”, and displays the number of created Highest/High bugs.
The red line represents the number of unresolved bugs, the green line represents the number of resolved bugs.
These are the same data point as the above chart, it is just another way to look at things. Ultimately, this chart should all be green.