2019-01-03 Doc Project Meeting

2019-01-03 Doc Project Meeting


  • @Rich Bennett

  • @Gergely Csatari

Topics, Notes, Status and Follow-Up Tasks


Notes / Status / Follow-up


Notes / Status / Follow-up

Improvements for Casablanca

Restructuring of Landing page changes have been merged to master.

Seeking SMEs to review changes as they are proposed for more detailed technical content.   A potential topic for discussion of face to face event or TSC meeting @Sofia Wallin

os-api-ref directive

The  os-api-ref directive https://github.com/openstack/os-api-ref maybe useful in ONAP API documentation. Example use in openstack can be viewed at https://fenix.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api-ref/v1/index.html (html) or https://github.com/openstack/fenix/blob/master/doc/source/api-ref/v1/maintenance.inc (source).

Look for opportunities to use os-api-ref directive to improve existing or use with new ONAP API documentation. @Rich Bennett @Sofia Wallin
If there are opportunities to use in ONAP, provide information on how to deliver and use the directive independent of Openstack @Gergely Csatari

Using ONAP Logo color pallet in sphinx-rtd-theme

Pending pull request on a proposed approach https://github.com/rtfd/sphinx_rtd_theme/pull/703/files

Sequence Diagram Directive

Start of discussion on a sequence diagram directive that might be easier to use and reference other RST directives (eg REST API)

Updates when available here or in future project meetings. @Gergely Csatari