SO How to over OOM
This is an initial draft and up for comments before uploading to the readthedocs.
Pulling code :
Following are the repository which are required to be pulled
# Repository which contains source code for SO
git clone ssh://<LFID> && scp -p -P 29418 <LFID> so/.git/hooks/
# This repository is libraries for openstack services
git clone ssh://<LFID> && scp -p -P 29418 <LFID> libs/.git/hooks/
# This repository contains required docker configs for various dockers
git clone ssh://<LFID> && scp -p -P 29418 <LFID> docker-config/.git/hooks/
After cloning repository one can use mvm to build code.
$ mvn clean install
If you want to switch branch to any any specific tag, release :
git checkout <branch-name> # current active branches master, casablanca etc...
SO docker images and docker build
Following are the list of dockers required for SO deployment
Below are the responsibilities of each module
docker-config_mariadb_1 # responsible for handling the DB store (mariadb).
docker-config_api-handler-infra_1 # responsible for handling the DB store (mariadb).
docker-config_sdc-controller_1 # responsible for handling CSAR distribution and parsing.
docker-config_bpmn-infra_1 # responsible for executing BMPN worklows.
docker-config_vfc-adapter_1 is # responsible for communicating with VFC.
docker-config_sdnc-adapter_1 # responsible for communicating with SDNC.
docker-config_openstack-adapter_1 # responsible for comomunicating with openstack.
docker-config_catalog-db-adapter_1 # responsible for API to communicate with DB.
docker-config_request-db-adapter_1 # responsible for API to track requests details.
docker-config_so-monitoring_1 # responsible for Monitoring.
One can create docker image locally from code using following command from /so/packages/docker:
For creating docker image you need to run the above command from /so/package/docker
To run the docker images go to /docker-config folder which was cloned from the above command and run the command
SO docker deployment
For initialization of docker there are 2 deployment options currently adpoted in ONAP:
- using heat template
- using OOM
OOM based deployment
- for installing and configuring SO using OOM deployment one can refer to the below links:
- Ensure SO is marked true against field enabled in the oom/oom_setup_kubernetes\onap\values.yaml for successful deployment.
Upgrade Images in OOM deployment
To Upgrade SO image one has to modify the the image for the respective component in SO charts by modifying values.yaml
Now build the charts after modifying image version following the below sequence of commands:
step1: Build all repos again
step2: Delete the existing pods already deployed
step3: Deploy the new pods.
Now SO will be upgraded with new image version.
Pull Daily Images in OOM deployment
To pull the daily image one can go to and pull the appropriate image tag by following previous steps.
Testing your patch
- To test patch developer has to replace corresponding `jar` files in pod to path `/app` in corresponding pod. This can be done using :
- Modify your \app\ to specify name of your jar as follows :
- Now, restart docker instance from corresponding node.
SO debug logging
To see the various logs on can go to /app/log folder inside corresponding pod e.g. /app/logs/bpmn for bpmn related logs.