F2F ONAP Community Feedback (Septermber 10th -14th)
The four day F2F session have been productive.
Great opportunity for meeting everyone F2F.
Perfect opportunity for collaboration, co-creation and knowledge sharing session.
Discussed product evolution and improvement in ONAP.
Overall the F2F session resulted in faster turnaround for resolving open design/development issues resulting in accelerated product delivery.
Encourage the team to hold F2F session for Dublin release.
Start the F2F Session when the use case are approved.
Engineer/architecture/requirement discussion before development start.
Encourage frequent but shorter F2F session for ONAP initiative. (1-2 day or 2 - 3 session F2F)
With some new members joining the ONAP community a introductory ONAP session is helpful which provides more context for the capability and/or project overview is being presented.
Provide a user guide on the new capabilities being delivered as part of the CDS initiative.
Read docs format
Environment being ready and stable earlier in the development cycle:
Expected E2E to work test case execution.
Instance feedback- Rocket Chat??-- for the CDS initiative / Controller – Instance feedback.
Do the partners want to do this again for Dublin?
Yes- the partners found the meeting productive and encourage more frequent and shorter session for Dublin planning and delivery release. .
NOTE: ONAP Community Members include AT&T, Bell Canada, AMDOCS, IBM, TechM, and Huawei.