CCSDK Casablanca : Opendaylight Oxygen port

CCSDK Casablanca : Opendaylight Oxygen port

The Casablanca version of CCSDK is based on the OpenDaylight Oxygen release.  The following is brief summary of the changes made to support Oxygen:

  1. The name of the base Opendaylight container image has changed from onap/ccsdk-odl-image to onap/ccsdk-odl-oxygen-image. 
    Note: the name of the docker image containing CCSDK installed on OpenDaylight remains the same : onap/ccsdk-odlsli-image.

  2. Installation of karaf packages has been redesigned so that packages are installed at docker build (compile) time, not on container startup.  Thus, container startup time is substantially improved.

  3. Changes needed due to changes in OpenDaylight Oxygen:

    1. The artifact org.opendaylight.netconf:sal-rest-connector no longer exists.  Any dependencies on this need to be removed from your projects' pom.xml files.

    2. Logging is now based on log4j2 rather than log4j.  The log configuration file format is different, so our logging configuration file had to change.

All CCSDK artifacts for Casablanca have bene upgraded to OpenDaylight Oxygen.  Please see CCSDK Casablanca artifact versions for a table of the current versions.  Most clients should only need to update their CCSDK versions to the appropriate Casablanca version and recompile in order to upgrade to OpenDaylight Carbon.