2018-08-29 Meeting notes (SDN-R)
Aug 29, 2018
@Benjamin Cheung
Bryan Kennedy
@Devendra Chauhan
@Floyd Goldstein
@Jeff Hartley
@Linda Horn
@Martin Skorupski
@N.K. Shankaranarayanan
@Oskar Malm
@Sandeep Shah
@Sandeep Shah
Saravanan A
Slawek Stawiarski
@Ramakrishnan, Shanthakumar (Shanth)
@Swaminathan Seetharaman
@Tim Carey
@Tom Tofigh
@Tracy Van Brakle
@Ulas Kozat
@Rebecca Lantz
@Lovell, Raymond (Zach)
Details topics of the OOF PCI use case.
Message from Policy to SDN-R
RAN model – affects netconf, and also the payload format of msg from Policy
ConfigDB database and API spec
Discussion items
Time | Item | Who | Notes |
60min | @N.K. Shankaranarayanan @Swaminathan Seetharaman Saravanan A |
Next steps
swagger.json for ONAP components
yang module for SDN-R and the RAN simulator
from Rebecca Lantz (Ericsson) to all: 06:24 PM
I think pnf-name just needs to be unique and value provided at service instantion == value provided by PNF at registration. The proposal for pnf-name is to use first 3 letters of vendor name + serial number. I suppose it would change if there was hardware swap out?
Von Prashant Rajpal an alle: 06:31 PM
If there is a name change of PNFs due to any operational reasons, then does it mean that we will have to change in SDN-R? If we were to use ID, then changing any names would not cause downstream impacts.
from demx8as6 to all: 06:34 PM
here the pnf-name is a global identifier - if you change it you basically "delete" an existing pnf and create a new one. - so I assume there is a whole process behind
from Rebecca Lantz (Ericsson) to all: 06:41 PM
will YANG model be hardcoded in SDNC? Or retrieved from SDC? Or retrieved from PNF?
from demx8as6 to all: 06:45 PM
at least retrieved from PNF (NetConf-Server) - there might be an advantage to add yang models in advance to ODL (but not mandatory)
from Rebecca Lantz (Ericsson) to all: 06:48 PM
ok so config database will use RFC 6022 <get-schema> on NETCONF interface. Thanks.
from demx8as6 to all: 06:50 PM