Use Case Tracking (Casablanca Scaling)

Use Case Tracking (Casablanca Scaling)

Development Status

Here we will track the development status of each Requirement.  There should be a user story for every requirement within the project. 




JIRA Epic/User Story





JIRA Epic/User Story


 Auto Scale Out

(High Priority)

On Track


No Issues

 @Gervais-Martial Ngueko

 CLAMP-189: support auto scale out use caseClosed

CLAMP-190: support scale out of vf-moduleClosed

  1.  Create Threshold Crossing Alert (TCA) policies for Scaling of vDNS 

  2. Create Guard policies for Auto Scale Out 


No Issues

@Pamela Dragosh

POLICY-842: This epic covers the work to support the Auto Scale Out functional requirementsClosed

  1. Create API call to SO with VNFInstanceID and VF_Module_Type as arguments POLICY-962: Change SO Scale Out REST API call to new REST API version that support config parametersClosed

  2. Set up proper Guard Policies POLICY-963: Understand and Scope the Guard Policies for Scale OutClosed

  3. Compare number of instances to both Min and Max values POLICY-968: Enforce guard policy for min/max instances of a VNFClosed

  4. Check Prov_Status = PROV POLICY-964: Modify drools-applications template to check is PROV_STATUS=Active before performing a Scale OutClosed


No Issues

 @Seshu Kumar Mudiganti

 SO-676: As user of the ONAP I should be able to Auto Scale the VFs Closed

  1. Create API for VID and Policy to call that will allow SO to scale a VNFC