Casablanca High Level Modeling Requirements - Draft

Casablanca High Level Modeling Requirements - Draft

Per the Casablanca Release Calendar, the ONAP Modeling Team needs to establish our "High Level Modeling Requirements" in M0, followed by the Modeling Plan in M1.

Requirements can be based on release / project specific needs, as well as work irrespective of release / project agnostic.

Following are some areas to be considered for work during Casablanca (R3).

We need to clarify the priorities for each requirement based on the committment:

1 Service Model (Project Agnostic), including


    1. Settling on Service Component / Composite and Atomic Pattern

    2. Service Instance

    3. Service Descriptor
      I)   Commitment to model spec
      II)  Commitment to implementation the modelspec in which projects:

  2.           III) relevance to use cases

2 VNF Updates (5G Use Case & project agnostic) including


    1. VNF Instance (project agnostic)

    2. Slicing (5G Use Case) 

    3. Scaling Aspect / VNF Element Groups (Scaling Use Case Extensions Use Case, Change Management Enhancements)
      I)   Commitment to model spec
      II)  Commitment to implementation the modelspec in which projects:          
      III) relevance to use cases

3 MultiCloud / MultiVIM (Centrailized Representation and Consistent ID of Cloud Regions Use Case & Project Agnostic)

I)   Commitment to model spec

II)  Commitment to implementation the modelspec in which projects:          

III) relevance to use cases

  1. Change Order (Change Management Extensions)

    1. Suggests settlement of service order concept used by External API Project

  2. PNF Model (Open Source Access Mgr Use Case,  5G) 

  3. Events & VES Specification Establishment (5G & Open Source Access Manager Use Cases)

  4. Licenses and Entitlements (Scaling Use Case Extension Use Case, 5G)

  5. Policy (Scaling Use Case Extension Use Case & Project Agnostic)

  6. Establishment of Root Classes (Project Agnostic)

  7. Establishment of Resource Concepts (Project Agnostic), including

    1. relationship to VNF, PNF & , License Concepts