AAI Graphical User Interface

AAI Graphical User Interface

The AAI graphical user interface is a way for a user to get information about what is in Active and Available Inventory (AAI).

This UI is deployed in two parts known as "sparky-be" and "sparky-fe", which are the "back end" and "front end" components, respectively.

There are 2 views currently available.  

View & Inspect provides a graph based view of elements within AAI. A single entity is the entry point into each graph, and from that base element a graph is generated based off relationships. See also https://onap.readthedocs.io/en/beijing/submodules/aai/sparky-be.git/docs/view_inspect.html

How to use the "View & Inspect" page: start typing into the "Search Network" bar and wait for the search suggestions to be displayed - as below:


Note that the search criteria and results depends on the contents of the ElasticSearch service.

The related objects are displayed as a graph. The attributes of the selected object are in the "Node Details" tab beside the graph display.



VNFs is an aggregation based view that provides aggregate counts of
VNFs based off of provisioning status and orchestration status.

See also https://onap.readthedocs.io/en/beijing/submodules/aai/sparky-be.git/docs/vnfs.html