


MockServer is an open source tool to mock any system with REST interface. The tool is implemented in java, and REST APIs are provided to configure and query it. See more details at http://www.mock-server.com/.


Install MockServer docker on Robot VM

>sudo docker pull jamesdbloom/mockserver
>sudo docker run --name mockserver -d -p 1080:1080 jamesdbloom/mockserver

You can restart MockServer container or reset it anytime with the following commands:

ubuntu@onap-robot:~/mockserverclient$ sudo docker restart mockserver
ubuntu@onap-robot:~/mockserverclient$ curl -v -X PUT "http://localhost:1080/reset"


You can set the expectations in MockServer with REST APIs, e.g.:

# DCI Overlay curl -v -X PUT "http://localhost:1080/expectation" -d '{     "httpRequest": {         "method": "POST",         "path": "/v2.0/l3-dci-connects"     },     "httpResponse": {         "statusCode": 201     },     "times" : {         "unlimited" : true     },     "timeToLive" : {         "unlimited" : true     } }'


Verify all requests received by MockServer with REST API. e.g.:

ubuntu@onap-robot:~/mockserverclient$ curl -X PUT "http://localhost:1080/retrieve?type=REQUESTS&format=JSON"

or a particular request filtered by url, e.g.:

ubuntu@onap-robot:~/mockserverclient$ curl -X PUT "http://localhost:1080/retrieve?type=REQUESTS&format=JSON" -d '{

Also, you can tail the log file inside MockServer container:

ubuntu@onap-robot:~/mockserverclient$ sudo docker exec -it mockserver bash bash-4.4# tail -f mockserver.lo

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